[PC]New building blocks: scaffolding/bridge and mason lines

I started working on a mod to add mason/rope lines to “sketch” foundations with, then decided to try converting the pole bridge kit used in Sepermeru into usable things.

It still needs icons and a few blueprint tweaks, but will probably be ready for upload to Workshop by the end of the week if anyone’s interested.


would be useful in my base, im on xbox tho…

That would be a heck lot more useful than the half-assed battlepass scaffolding set FunCom came up with. You’d have thought FunCom would learn, some day, to wait until modders had a system fixed and ready to go before they put their own copy into the game.

I know we have sorcery these days, but this is still an impressive necro…

How on earth did you end up in a 5 year old thread?

Wow. So it is. How on earth was it still open for replies? o.O

No really, how did you even come across it? :rofl: