The rubber banding isnt just with elevator or structures, its out in the open, every minute for me. If i emote or do any action, it loops, moves me forwards or backwards without me being able to have any control of my character. On modded servers, official servers, and even single player. My ping can be stable at 80-120 normal for me, and still rubber band. Was able to play perfectly fine before this patch, now its like i dont even want to bother. People on all servers can point this out, and its like its just going unnoticed.
Thanks @Barnes for the Tips but I already tried emoting At least two Serverrestarts helped me out.
Still encountering the, what i assume to be a bug with Hanuman altar offering. Started to happen after the update and still can’t recieve any boons. Tried dropping them, trading them to my thrall and tried having another clan member offer, but haven’t found a way to be able to recieve them.
Funny how im getting absolutely no response to my issues. Its like i made an account for the forums just to be able to post the issues ive been encountering since last patch, and get nothing back.
Well, to be fair you’ve made two posts in here of an issue that just screams un-derpowered/un-optimized computer system with no hard information on any of it.
Plus it’s only been 4 days.
What did you expect would happen?
If you really want to report an issue, start a new thread and fill out the form completely with as much detail as possible.
Threads, like replies, have an edit button. You should use this instead.
Click on the ***
More button and then click Edit
Rubber banding issues are part of the hotfix that is being worked on, with intended release of next week. There is a dev tracker at the top of the page you can use, where both Hugo and Ignasis have posted that information several times.
I saw this on the day of the update, I would like to understand why they did not announce that it is now possible to heal pets and dancers with the healing arrows.
But what matters is that now I will be able to level up my pets by killing bosses without risking losing them
Is there any planning date to solve the huge “falling through the world” bug that causes a immediate death? (Solve date for PS4 platform) It is impossible to play like that…
Same, it’s driving me nuts
Yep, we don’t even have a map room yet in our current game and have been getting this a bit. It seems random, the other day it was pulling me into rocks or catapulting me through the green wall or flinging me off cliffs (while I was standing at a crafting table). Lost 3 sets of gear that day.
New hotfix is out!