PC Update 2020-0615 - No Patch notes or announcement?

There was a Game update this morning, but nothing on Twitter or here in the forums that I see about what was updated?

Our server just came back up with the update, so now I get to fly around and see if anything broke. I understand you all have a lot to do when updates happen, but a heads up a day or so in advance would be mighty helpful for us server admins (And the MOD makers too!) to be ready for them, and the inevitable MOD-pacolypse that will start flooding us shortly thereafter.

Neither of the servers I run have had a game update. There was PS4 patch released today to clear a connection issue that they had been having.

I don’t believe this was a game update per se. The Steam update is marked as: Steamworks Common Redistributables.


There wasn’t an update, client side at least.

Meaning, your mods are fine.

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2020-06-15 20_50_33-Your control panel

This happened this morning (Pacific time) on our server host, and it rebooted our server. So Something happened. And I don’t imagine we’re running a PS4 server for PC.

#JustFuncomThings ?


(( edit - without the backslash, my shrug look like a Dab!))

I received a small 15mb update this morning for steam conan exiles dedicated server.

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