The Age of War is here. The first chapter in our next Age for Conan Exiles is finally out! Including new features such as Clan Emblems and Hoards, as well as a significant rebalance to the combat systems to make battles in the Exiled Lands feel as brutal and rewarding as it can get.
Alongside these new systems come new crafting stations and equipment, as well as a bevy of fixes and changes to known issues for the game. This new Chapter is the first step in the road to war, setting up the foundations for what’s to come in later chapter of this second Age of Conan Exiles.
Thank you for the continued support for Conan Exiles, and stay safe!
Please remember that updates can mess with the functionality of your installed mods. We suggest taking a backup of your current database before updating to any new patch if you have mods installed.
Find treasure, bring it home, and display it at your base! Place any treasure placeables within the hard radius to contribute to your personal and the clan totals. Treasures can also be placed directly in the chest next to the Treasurer NPC.
We’ve rebalanced several systems with the intention of making it more dynamic, tactical, and deadly, while also addressing several concerns from the community, such as the usefulness and power level of Legendary weapons.
Fixed a “Connection lost” issue that has proven elusive but finally got nailed down
Cleaned up some Console Log spam
Various optimization, crash fixes, and clean-up
Game builds now use shipping configuration instead of test configuration. This means servers must be started with the “ConanSandboxServer-Win64-Shipping.exe” executable instead of “ConanSandboxServer-Win64-Test.exe”. [Added 2023.06.22 15:15 CEST]
Clan Emblems let you unify your clan under a custom symbol to face the enemies without. Choose from several symbols and backgrounds and display them proudly on banners, shields, armor and more!
New work station: Clan Totems
Totems with cultural themes
Used to combine images and colors to make an emblem to represent your clan
Shows your clans current emblem on the totem
Clan emblems are displayed on clan armor, shields, banners, etc.
Requires permissions in clan to edit emblem
Emblems appear on bespoke assets:
Wall Banners
Flag Banners
Horse caparison
Clan Hoards are a new feature for you to find treasure, bring it home, and display it at your base.
Place any treasure placeables within the coffers radius to contribute to the personal hoard and the clan hoards totals. Treasures can also be placed directly in the chest next to the Treasurer NPC. Interact with the Treasurer NPC to check the hoard values.
Heavy Treasures are special treasures found in the world that have to be carried home. You must make your way back to the base while carrying the treasure, it will not be added to your inventory.
New challenges are implemented:
Apply a Clan Emblem
Build a Coffer
Place 3 Small Treasures
Claim a Heavy Treasure
Contribute to a Coffer value over 1000
Contribute to a Coffer value over 5000
Contribute to a Coffer value over 10000
New Age of War Chapter 1 Battle Pass including new pets, armor, emotes, and more! Rewards are focused on Stygian and Nordheimer lore - including the new Stygian War Tent Set and Nordheimer and Stygian armors.
New functionality: horse caparisons, emblems, weapon emotes
New Age of War Chapter 1 Bazaar items, including new pets, armor, emotes, and more!
New functionality: horse caparisons, emblems, weapon emotes
New Twitch Drops starting with Midnight Caparison. Follow our social media channels for more info on when these drop campaigns start!
Recipes for Potion of Natural Learning and the Bestial Memory has been moved off of Midnight Alchemist and are now part of the Firebowl Cauldron knowledge. The Raw Ash ingredient for both these potions has been removed as a requirement for crafting them.
Yellow Lotus Potion no longer resets attributes or knowledge, and instead provides a Stamina buff
Fixed an issue where certain placeables would return the wrong materials when dismantled
Prying Kit now correctly removes effect from Blunted and Balanced Weapon Fittings
Blacksmith Bench no longer modifies Blood-Moon Bow and Bite of the Huntress stats
Faded Purple Dye and Full Purple Dye are now less pink and more purple
Golem crafting stations acquired from the Bazaar now have the same build costs as those found through game play, except that Blood Crystal Golem Workbench requires Blood Crystals
Purple Lotus Orb recipe now correctly requires both Black and Purple Lotus
Charcoal Kiln now has the correct fuel displayed in the crafting formula
Crystalline Visage Armor now has the correct icons
Fragment of Power has been removed from most crafting recipes
Wells now require 50 Tar (down from 300), and 100 Steel Reinforcement (down from 300) for tier 2
We’ve rebalanced several systems with the intention of making it more dynamic, tactical, and deadly, while also addressing several concerns from the community, such as the usefulness and power level of Legendary weapons.
We’ve recategorized many items. The new classifications are: “Unique”, “Epic”, and “Legendary”. Legendary items are end-game items that cannot be crafted. Epic items are end-game items that can be crafted, such as Khari Steel, Hardened Steel, Venomsteel, Star Metal, etc. Unique items are the best-in-tier; a unique steel dagger is the best steel dagger you might find, but it will not be better than a Legendary or Epic dagger.
Journeys that required crafting Legendary items now instead require crafting Epic items
Animals and monsters are now generally speaking more deadly but have significantly less health, making dodging and blocking more important in combat. Humans (including thralls) have had their health reduced, but still vary in threat level between tribes as before.
Alpha animals (1 skull) are now much closer to the strength of their animal type
Champions (2 skulls) can now be found among the tribes and drop Unique items (see above)
World bosses (3 skulls) have been adjusted similarly to other enemies but the exact adjustments vary - in general expect shorter but deadlier fights
Stamina costs and regeneration adjustments
Stamina cost for weapons have been greatly increased, from numbers ranging 3-9 to numbers ranging 10-40
The second jump when double-jumping now also incurs a stamina-cost. The cost is the same as a normal jump. A normal jump with 60 Agility costs 12, and so the total cost for double-jump is now 24.[Modified 2023.06.27 Reason: Outdated description of the change]
The stamina regen pause has been decreased from several seconds to 0.1 seconds, thus you will start regenerating stamina a lot sooner than before. Related server default values have been changed, and will be force-set upon patching (server admins beware!):
StaminaRegenerationTime = 1.75 (was 3.75)
StaminaOnConsumeRegenPause = 0.1 (was 1.5)
StaminaOnExhaustionRegenPause = 0.1 (was 2.75)
StaminaLightArmorNoLoadRegenMultiplier = 1.0
StaminaLightArmorLightLoadRegenMultiplier = 1.0
StaminaLightArmorMediumLoadRegenMultiplier = 1.0
StaminaLightArmorHeavyLoadRegenMultiplier = 1.0
StaminaLightArmorOverLoadRegenMultiplier = 1.0
StaminaMediumArmorNoLoadRegenMultiplier = 0.9
StaminaMediumArmorLightLoadRegenMultiplier = 0.9
StaminaMediumArmorMediumLoadRegenMultiplier = 0.9
StaminaMediumArmorHeavyLoadRegenMultiplier = 0.9
StaminaMediumArmorOverLoadRegenMultiplier = 0.9
StaminaHeavyArmorNoLoadRegenMultiplier = 0.85
StaminaHeavyArmorLightLoadRegenMultiplier = 0.85
StaminaHeavyArmorMediumLoadRegenMultiplier = 0.85
StaminaHeavyArmorHeavyLoadRegenMultiplier = 0.85
StaminaHeavyArmorOverLoadRegenMultiplier = 0.85
The gray-out post-processing effect for when you run out of stamina has been removed, as you will no longer be out of stamina for very long.
Weapon adjustments
Heavy attacks will do more damage than before, ranging from 5% to 20% more damage, depending on weapon type
Shields have had their base durability halved
Heavy attacks will always apply special effects such as bleed or sunder, except when sprinting
Short swords now apply Bleed on heavy attacks
Two-Handed Axes now apply Cripple on heavy attacks
Combo multipliers adjustments
First Heavy attack for One-Handed Axes decreased from 1.5 to 1.2
Katana Special attack increased from 0.6 to 1
One-Handed Sword, 4th Heavy attack increased from 1.5 to 2
Kicks, Backflips and the Katana Special attack has had their combo multiplier Stamina cost reduced
Repair adjustments
Legendary repair kits have been renamed to “Grandmaster Repair Kits”
Armor Patch kits have been renamed to “Armor Repair Kits”
Cost for crafting repair kits have been doubled
Weight for repair kits have been lowered to 0.1
Legendary and Unique items can not be repaired in any way
Max Durability for Unique and Legendary items have been greatly increased
Adding a weapon/armor/tool modification kit no longer reduces max durability
The Max Durability reduction from Prying kits have been reduced from 50% to 30%
Returns from dismantling items has been greatly increased
All repair kits now work on all tiers of weapons and armor (but not Unique and Legendary ones), but lower the max durability of the item by 2.5% to 20% (of original max durability) depending on the tier of the repair kit
Using a Repairing Grindstone will repair all items on your hotkey bar, also reducing max durability on all of them
Enemies can no longer break their stun-lock state
Dead Golem followers no longer yield too many Blood Crystals when harvested
Turanian and Yamatai Epic armors no longer give too much heat and cold resist
The Tower of the Elephant achievement has been tweaked so that it now require a minimum of two people on top of before death by stompers
Starving characters will no longer die while offline
Token of friendship should now only give 1 Thunn Ha Ally
Charcoal now has an icon and the correct description
Forlorn weapons now correctly display under the weapons categories
Equipping only Aesir Raider leggings no longer part of the legs invisible
Several fixes for the Journey system
Auto Switch Next Journey setting will now always pick a new Journey, even if there is not a default progression from the one just completed
Dregs now correctly unlocks the Dungeon Delver Journey
Leyshrines now correctly unlocks the Surge Defender Journey
Assigning a thrall to any crafting station now correctly completes the Thrall Taker Journey step
The step to find the Sorcerer’s Grotto now triggers reliably once you have gone further into the grotto itself
Placing a foal into a stable will now complete the relevant step correctly
Several steps that would auto-complete no longer do so
Steps that require interaction with specific workbenches now also accept the improved version of those workbenches
Steps that unlock on specific Feats now unlock also for characters that had those Feats from before
The step to level a thrall/pet now correctly triggers also on going from level 0 to level 1
Harvesting Plant Fiber from Berry bushes will now also trigger the steps for collecting plant fibers
Artificer Journey now correctly unlocks from Fine Metal Crafts
Journey step to Wear a piece of Epic Armor no completes only with Epic Armor
Balanced Iron Poniards Knowledge are now hidden until the correct Journey is resolved
Several Journey step descriptions pointing to the wrong location or workstation have been corrected
Journey step “Summon Protection of Gods” description corrected
Corrected the icon displayed for several Journey steps
Tanner Journey no longer has “Learn Tanner” as a step, since it has it as a requirement for unlocking the Journey
Interacting with a built trebuchet will now also trigger the Journey step to Complete Building a Trebuchet
Corrected typos in some Journey step descriptions
Journey system now properly updates Journeys added or removed by mods
The “Learn a Delved Schematic” step in the Delver Journey can now be passed by using any scroll from the Voidforge, even if you have that knowledge from before. In addition, if you have all the Knowledges from the Voidforge it will automatically resolve.
The “Upgrade an Altar to the final level” step in the High Priest Journey will no longer give credit for crafting a Retreat of Jhebbal Sag, and instead correctly require the tier 3 Grove of Jhebbal Sag to be built.
Our valiant #spellchekker team has gone to war against the armies of Typus Maximus and came victorious. Ish.
Our prestigious international #spellchekker team has saved the day once again by fixing a number of los typos in the localized versions of the game.
Activating the inventory shortcut while on another interface screen now only closes that screen, and no longer switches to the inventory.
Respawn interface will now take a small moment to appear, to allow a moment of dread and/or laughter before being asked to do it all again. The death camera has also been tweaked to improve the experience.
Pristine Khari Daggers now both show up on their icon
All elephants now have visible health bars
Dying by passing through the Cursed Wall will no longer in certain cases open several unrelated interface windows
Inventory grid no longer displays on top of the Info and Split buttons on Xbox
Stables and Animal Pens Rename button can now be navigated to with controller
Character Copy window can now be closed with Esc on keyboard or Back on controller
Avatar controls now show and work correctly also when doing the summoning from inventory
Dryer now visually shows dried meat in it
Show Journey Steps setting now correctly applies in all situations
A new icon for Skeleton Key has been made to distinguish it better from other keys in the game
Zeal being stolen is now messaged only when Zeal is actually being stolen
Loot and interaction windows now work properly in the start area of Well of Skelos
Added text to the (at first) empty Sorcery Knowledge tab.
Long localized Journey descriptions now have reduced text size to fit in the description box
Battle Pass reward display will no longer show two characters under certain conditions
Corrected descriptions for several floor and wall paints
Added missing translations to some items and buttons
New community-submitted loading screen tips added to the game. Thank you all who participated! [Added 2023.06.22 16:50 CEST]
We will update this section with any changes and fixes applied to the patchnotes document post-release.
2023.06.27 10:00 CEST
Altered line to a new description. Reason: Old line was created using old documentation and didn’t correctly reflect the change.
Stamina cost for jumping has increased to 8, and an extra Stamina cost of 16 for double-jump has been introduced.
The second jump when double-jumping now also incurs a stamina-cost. The cost is the same as a normal jump. A normal jump with 60 Agility costs 12, and so the total cost for double-jump is now 24.
2023.06.22 15:15 CEST
Added new line under Performance and Stability. Reason: Missing from initial patch notes.
Game builds now use shipping configuration instead of test configuration. This means servers must be started with the “ConanSandboxServer-Win64-Shipping.exe” executable instead of “ConanSandboxServer-Win64-Test.exe”.
2023.06.22 16:50 CEST
Added the following line under UI and Text Fixes. Reason: Missing from initial patch notes.
New community-submitted loading screen tips added to the game. Thank you all who participated!
Followers no longer suddenly decay / disappear upon updating the save game to Age of War
Grey Rhinos now have increased health; and the baseline health modifier for pets in general was raised from 1.2 to 1.6 giving all pets a slight increase in health
Hecker the Henpecked Blacksmith is back where he belongs
[2023.07.20] Age of War Chapter 1 Hotfix 2 Patch notes.
Fixed an issue where the client would crash when attempting to use emotes while in Avatar form.
Fixed an issue where the server would crash when breaking ownership of the Abyssal Mount (Horse).
Fixed an exploit wherein players could cast sorcery without consuming resources when becoming over-encumbered during the ritual.
Fixed several issues affecting the connectivity and function of upcoming Aesir building pieces.
Fixed an issue where reinforcement kits on Armor and Weapons were able to be stacked.
Armors and weapons now have a maximum durability derived from the base item after the prying kit has been used.
Fixed an issue where weight would not reset for weapons.
Fixed an issue where some pets with DLC skin-variants would not deal as much damage as their base game version.
The client may freeze when approaching the coast near Siptah’s southern islands. We are disabling the decay timers for followers and buildings on the Isle of Siptah servers. Keep an eye out on our channels for updates.