So it got mentioned on the dev stream they are nerfing the cats pounce.
Fine whatever, completely unneeded as they are trash already since the latest nerfs, but pets overall are useless you may as well not added them to the game at this point they have been nerfed so badly by the rounds of thrall reductions applied to them.
so Why are pets so bad?
*No gas and poison resists
*Low Health pool even on greaters
*All pets have a uniform damage multiplier
*Slow to level
*Take up a thrall slot with follower limits this hurts you.
*Canât have as many follow as you can zombies
Now we have zombies, a zombie isnât even temporary on private servers thanks to the bug, instant 14k health lvl20 42 damage attack creature.
Opposed to say a white tiger I need to likely farm shadespice for, build a big pen, gather 5 cubs and maybe get 1-2, then ages to level.
My suggestions:
Give the Pets damage multipliers relevant to the pet, low shalebacks, high sabertooth etc.
Give a beastmaster/packmaster perk as alternate choices for authority, which could allow say 4-5 pets under a command (a pack of wolves or dogs would be pretty sweet!)
Make them faster to level or remove the levels altogether, instant lvl 20âs like the zombies.
And look at adjusting their healthpool across the board (they arenât armored all they have is HP) so they donât get killed the first time you take a greater to a dafari camp