Picking up placed thralls and pets

I have played on private servers where this is possible. I am playing on official and when I move a base, I spend days moving the thralls with follow and via maprooms. If i would have the possibility to pick up placed thralls/pets, it would make life on official so much easier. It would also reduce the thrall pollution, because at the moment people just can’t be bothered to move like 30 thralls when they move base and they stand around as long as those people play. Any chance of getting this?


Sounds like a good suggestion. Especially if it would limit thralls on a server. They are a pain to move most people leave them behind in my experience.

(Personal wishlist) I’d like a dismantle or kill option on placed thralls/pets.


thrall caravan or a " all report here" button

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just being able to bag them again, would probably the easiest and on private servers it is already possible

Personally, I’d just like it if thralls and pets at a given location would die off or otherwise despawn within a few days of being left in a spot where their owner has no landclaim. That way, when someone leaves behind their old base on noob river with all their lowbie thralls but keeps playing in the highlands, they would eventually die off when that base does instead of staying around long after the base has decayed.


Maybe if not on land claim, they go to a 12 hour decay timer. That way one has to insure they are leaving them on their land, and not spamming them in path ways, and thus claiming the land as well without using any building mats. Exploiters love this trick on PVP.

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This is a great idea, it was talked about extensively in the past. There’s even a mod that allows you to do it. I would like to see this option added along with more options in the thrall menu, like return to home.


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