Getting rid of leftover thralls and pets from leftover players bases

I’m hoping this is possible but I would love to see a way to remove leftover thralls and pets from the admin menu or when using a keyboard plug into your console for those who are admin on private servers . When players leave the server and never return they’re bases get destroyed but thralls and pets still remain and there’s no way to physically destroy them. If there was a way to implement a code like an ark has aka…)destroy tribe structures/ destroy tribe dinos )and make it such as destroy Clan structures and Destroy Clan thralls. It would really make cleaning up cluttered servers a lot easier. I do know that there are settings to do pet hunger and thrall hunger but some owners of the server leave them unchecked.

We have an issue on our server with a large clan that has multiple bases. The members are responsible for their own bases, and one of the biggest has decayed and disappeared. The problem is he had 80 animals and 30 thralls at the base.

With the new non-feeding system, the other clan members refresh the pets & thralls when they log in, and they are still very active. I’m not advocating going back to the feeding system, but a proximity system would be appreciated. That way, if they don’t ever visit the area, the thralls die or fade away.


When this happens in PvE, folks will usually just kite world bosses over until all the orphaned pets and thralls have been eaten. Mind you, if there are a large number of floating archers with high DPS, it may be necessary to build temporary walls to block their arrows so the boss doesn’t die too quickly.

I had to do this back when orphaned thralls didn’t decay at all just to be able to start a base. Just make certain with others on the server (particularly those living close by) that the player is in fact gone so they don’t think you’re being a troll and trying to PvP in a PvE.

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Good idea in theory, but the closest boss is a giant croc on the other side of the bay. Plus, there are over 100 pets/thralls. It would take hours to accomplish.

Plus, it’s not really my responsibility to clean up the mess. While I like not having the tedious chore of feeding constantly, I believe the fix is rather simple. They should be within the range of the thrall pots/feed boxes, items that do decay unless the player goes to them. That would solve this unintended problem.

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That actually sounds great except for the fact when the owners uncheck the settings for the feed for thralls and pets then basically the thralls Don’t Starve sometimes owners just don’t want to listen to their admins to have it checked. So having some sort of code for us to put into manually remove them would be a good idea

What I mean by my suggestion is simple. Somebody has to tend the Food Source, whether they open it or touch it. Otherwise, it will decay. When it decays, the thralls/pets die immediately when the thrall pot or feed box disappears. It doesn’t matter if food is put in or not.

In a private game where you can make yourself the Admin, do what you want. On a public server, we have to contend with these leftover problems. Essentially, no one can build a new base in the area, because you can’t place foundations or walls inside an animal/thrall.

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@Phantomcasper Funcom put in code that should have all thralls and pets be removed from the server belonging to players/clans who haven’t logged in during the past 14 days. They said it’s linked to the decay system, but didn’t specify what occurs on private servers where decay is disabled. And I don’t know if the setting is available for private server operators to switch on independent of decay.

To be honest I hope they don’t institute a death sentence for thralls or pets if they are out of range of a thrall pot or feeding box.

Think what would occur when you took a thrall or pet with you on follow out of reach of the pot/box. Sure they could instigate it with a 24 hour delay but even that … how annoying it would be that you couldn’t just log out with the thrall/pet set to “Guard” where you are so you can continue to explore from where you left off.
My clan-mate and I did that for the unnamed city exploration … ran back to the small wheel of pain base I made near Sepermeru with a couple of followers and dragging knocked out relic hunters … set the followers to Guard at the wheel and logged out … no thrall pot on that base as normally we don’t leave it guarded. Next time we killed some bosses, dragged back new recruits, left the followers on a Guard at the wheel base and ported out to visit other bases.

I want Funcom to re-instigate the requirement of thralls to be fed …so that abandoned thralls as you describe will die if the player/clan is still active. AND keep the 14day-no login-death sentence … so it clears abandoned thralls/pets which have been stacked with food.

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Just bring back the hunger system. problem solved. If someone wants many pets and thralls, he/she should put a work into feeding them. I know people want nice big bases with a life inside but here Funcom could give us many other things like real entertainers who make music or other kind of entertainment instead of useless and just guarding pets standing around and doing nothing.

It is hard to kill them. I had around 30 rhinos there where I settle now on an official server. Many of them were greater rhinos. I needed 5 red dragons to kill them. One is not enough. And I had luck that I had the red dragon close to my base. With another, a common world boss you almost cant kill them.


You are not describing the situation I discussed. In our case, and I imagine in several cases across the servers, we have an active clan who abandoned a single base filled with pets/thralls. They don’t go out there, but they do log in every day. So, because there’s no mechanism to cleanse the server of abandoned thralls, they will be there for as long as the clan continues to play.

Your wheel that you set thralls to guard is entirely different, because you are actively using the wheel, you are interacting with the area on a consistent basis. I have no problem with people who leave guards in areas they frequent.

My thought on the thrall pot/feed box is simply a way to purge the abandoned thralls of an active player. I have run across random thralls and pets in the oddest places since the feeding requirement stopped.

Once again, I am not advocating for the return of the feeding system, but I would like the thrall pots and feed boxes to have a point.

Honestly I’d like the return of the feeding system.

We play PVE-C on an official server and we’ve a very large base, with tons of pets and thralls, and over a dozen of outposts guarded by pets and thralls. We never had problems in feeding all of this pets/peoples.

But now:

1- we can’t have they starve to free ourself of outdated pets/thralls, only way is to keep them one by one as followers and fighting a boss, wich is a very time expensive system to do it. (at least please could you introduce a sacrifice system like suggested in another topic ? :pleading_face:)

2- most peoples in other clans just play as they play in solo, so the case @speedice is talking about is very frequent.

3- feeding pots and all other things we did to handle the feeding system is now useless :frowning_face:

Please we want back the feeding system, it worked quite well.

10 regular bears will kill the green dragon. Kiting a world boss doesnt sound like a good option for a ton of leftover pets and thrall.

Yeah, that’s why you sometimes have to get creative with barriers to divide and conquer. So long as it’s just pets/tralls left and there’s no land claim, you can usually still set down fence foundations or spiked palisades. In fact, one of my friends on the PvE Official I’m on was using my spikes to bleed out his own pets, so that might be a viable (albeit slow) work around in its own right.

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It’s not, which is one of the things leading me to suspect we’re basically only seeing phase one of the feeding system changes here. I’m sure they knew this was going to be a problem, but before they can implement whatever new changes they are planning on to deal with unwanted thralls, they need to clean out the feeding system first.

Something else that needs fixed. Thralls and pets that get kited or dropped into water when their base decayed, should drown. Not just tread water on the bottom of the ocean.

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Almost all pets and thralls can be killed by surrounding by spikes.Easy and enough fast