Pillar bug abuse wast 30 hours of game

Game mode: [Online]
Problem: [Bug]

hi there, first, I want to say your game is great :slight_smile:
My issue is about players who use a bug abuse… this bug make me unable to make any structure even in my own house. it seems to making pillar everywhere around my house block possibility to make something even in my house… its the 2nd time I wast like 30 hours of playing for making a house and someone use this bug for force me to begin again to another territory.I’m not the first player who have his gaming experience being ruined by this bug… I stop playing until this issue is not resolved because I dont want make a house again for the third time until someone use this bug again for block me to doing anything even inside my building… I hope you’ll gonna find a way for fix it!

Steps on how to reproduce issue:


thats grieffing and is stricktly against the rules on my server, i feel for you, best thng to d is bug to report them. thats a big if tho, ii come anyone doing that here ill remove the pillars myself and skull**** them till they stop cominng back imean kick them off the server lol

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This sadly is not a bug it is intended that build blocking is in the game maybe there is an issue with the radius it affects but that would be all.

Also reporting people for blocking area will not fix it as Funcom have been very open in stating they will not be moderating servers.

It’s sad to say but best thing to do it play on a dedicated server with a decent host who can stop this crap when they see it


That’s how I handle this as well if you spam things to be a douce I enter good mode and just dismantle your entire base before your eyes than if they do not take that well I remove them


Thats why You should play pvp server, because u can orb,sword and jar the pillars. PVE sucks Sorry.

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Well… I’ll have agree its not a bug only if it was only about to block expanding my house from outside but I cant even install any crafting station inside the center of my own house… :frowning: I dont understand how they doing this I have a radius for avoiding at least being able to use the space of my house…