Placeables issue

Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: I am not sure whether this is a bug or just a matter of not well thought through programming, but when I place a rug for example, and then place a table on top of it and decide to remove the rug, it removes both the rug and the table.

Now this in itself would be minor inconvenience, but the issue is that whatever was place on top of the placeable I remove is lost and not returned to the inventory.

[Free text]

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

Hello @Sanshiru, thank you for your submission!

We are aware of the issue and it’s being looked into by the developers, for now you’ll have to pick up each item individually the same way as you have to individually demolish each building piece of a structure in order to get each piece’s materials refund.

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