Placing stations is a nightmare

just some building feedback here. idk if its just me but i was trying to place an animal pen on a sloped ground and it was just not able to be placed saying it was overlaping and stuff even though the ground was empty and not even too inclined. another thing is that i tried placing stations in a round tower that starts with 6 wedged foundation pieces and the second circle is made of ceiling pieces and under the ceiling pieces are pillars and it would be hard to place the stations for some reason. anyone else having problems with the building system?


When placing it, press R and it will adjust itself to the tilt.


The funny thing is, while we build with neat squares and equilateral triangles that all shre the same edge length, the stations are designed to not fit in those boxes.
A few fit well enough, but many, and all of the later ones, seem to be almost vexatiously shaped to always take up just a bit more space than one would imagine based on their configuration, yet others have a footprint all out of proportion with their sprites.

As for animal pens…
Don’t, just don’t.
They make a smaller one with a single slot, just use that one.


thx i know, it was something beyond this

i wish stations were able to connect to floors and foundations as if they were building pieces

thats the one i used

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