Lorsque je lance le jeu en solo, celui-ci plante. J’arrive à me co avec ma partie solo et au bout de 2 mn mon jeu s’arrête et j’ai ce message. Voici le message Fatal error : [File:C:/B/tech_exiles/code/Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Private/UObject/ScriptCore.cpp] [Line:435] Unknown code token 80 AB_Master_HumanNPC_male_C/Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.HumanoidNPCCharacter_C_0.CharacterMesh0.AB_Master_HumanNPC_male_C_0 Fonction/Game/Master_AnimBP/AB_Master_HumanNPC_male.AB_Master_HumanNPC_Male_C:ExecuteUbergraph_AB_Master_HumanNPC_male:13CB Script call stack: Function/Game/Master_AnimBP/AB_Master_HumanNPC_male.AB_Master_HumanNPC_male_C:AnimNotify_DefaultEntered Function/Game/Master_AnimBP/AB_Master_HumanNPC_male.AB_Master_HumanNPC_male_C:ExecuteUbergraph_AB_Master_HumanNPC_male
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Greetings aurora05!
Thank you for reaching out to us and welcome to our forum!
In order for our team to properly assess your issue, could you please let us know if you’re using any mods in your game? If so, please uninstall them completely from your computer and see if the issue is fixed
We’ll be waiting for your reply!
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