Players are the heroes?

Well because you asked, Conan got his ■■■ handed to him in this clip. Not being a smart mouth but see below.


I might try this on my next Exile. My first two builds were grit and strength heavy so I can hit hard and not tire easy and trust my timing to not get hit much. All other atr are at level one, no higher. I’ve never played an Exile with low stamina. Edit: well, low for me anyways.

0:19 parries an attack. Not heroic.
0:23 dodges. Not heroic.
0:59 dodges again, definitely not heroic enough for you I guess.

I’m not breaking down any more than this because quite frankly it’s ridiculous you think heroic means standing in place getting hit constantly and then cite a B rate reboot clip where he dodges several times, invalidating your point to begin with.

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lol just you can not stand that it is true he did take a sword to the face you try to use the others things he did fine, I never said a thing about the doges and parries nor did you , you said Cite me a time Conan ever took a sword to the face so I did show you a time Conan took a sword to the face and yes he did so admit it and move on , geeze you want to argue even when you are proved wrong.

Get over it Conan was not always the hero, he got hurt and others saved his ■■■ many times in the books and movies. He was just a man who had a good team by his side most of the time who saved his ■■■ as often as he saved theirs. So that argument holds no water. Just as we the player are not the hero always its just how it works, it’s ok that’s why we have thralls right lol.


I prefer to drink violet curative to avoid alcohol poisoning and carry with me sets antidotes. Still my survival when i hold a black blood tool it has to reach 2 perks not one. Sometimes when i forget to put to my wheel of choise antidotes and my inventory is very full so i cannot found them I grab a tool :joy::joy::joy:. Survival is a very useful perk .

What fight cannot be solo’d? (serious question)

and thats fair on a pve-c side of things, but trying to raid a base with 20 max level and fully geared berserkers isnt fun. they take forever to die because they have so much hp and armour and heal so fast all whilst being able to hit as hard, if not harder than the arena champion.

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1 dose of set antidote and its cured. But yes, survival is a useful tree and that immunity to poison is very useful in niche situations, like that.

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Poking in pvp? lol are we still living in 2018? if you’re not trading blows with axe in pvp you’re doing it wrong. any real pvper will only use spear to chase people who are running away now.

Player staying power is just fine. The key isn’t in the amount of damage we can take, but in our ability to not take damage, ie. blocking and dodging. Those are, and should be, our main defensive mechanics. Armor and hitpoints are there for those cases where we fail to dodge or block in time, not our primary defense.

At least that’s how I play, and I rarely feel like I’m dying too easily. (The crazy end boss in Jhebbal Sag grove with his Flash superpowers, and Avalanche with his “I can hit you all the way down from the new map” reach are the two major exceptions.)

Face-tanking with armor and hitpoints is not dynamic, and I don’t find it an interesting playstyle either - not in CE, and not in other games.


Or, as discussed in another thread, better base defense weapons such as ballistae and cauldrons that can be operated by thralls. That way, the damage they deal would be tied to the stationary weapon and not the thrall itself.

I know that there are ways to cheese some fights like firespark says , still I will tell you what fights found me always running away like a girl even to the old dodge system .
White tiger
White elephant
Great rhino and reptilian monstrosity (the bug that you stack under them and you cannot move ,still if this aint happen its possible then because I did it ).
Dire wolf ( the damage is impossible some times )
The final stage of dagoon dungeon (too many opponents for one person )
Khari dungeon the last miniboss skeleton that wields the khari great sword (my worst boss in all the game ,even with thrall I have low chance of survival )
Jhebbal sag werewolf (never made him solo ,never)
I ain’t going to mention the miniboss in the dagoon dungeon because now it is fixed and Arena champions after the Argos update doesn’t hit so hard anymore . Still even before I had a way to solo her .
I think I cover you ,still I want you to understand that theese are bosses that for me they are impossible for solo and ofcurse without cheatings (go somewhere high and start shooting poison arrows ) .

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This boss :joy::joy::joy::joy: . Do you have any advice for the miniboss skeleton in the khari dungeon ? The one that hits with the khari great sword , he does the heavy attack to many times and you cannot shield him . Not to mention that 1.150 armor and he does 200 damage .

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I believe that you must not ever build without having at least one perk to all the attributes except accuracy. On accuracy you can use some points only and the rest will be covered by your bow when you equip it. Still if you want to be Legolas by all means, your gaming your build.

I would add that most bosses can only be solo’d with a select set of gear. It may or may not be possible on certain servers to easily attain the gear necessary to be completely viable against the bosses. I don’t PVP but I can imagine how hard it would be to accumulate legendary gear while being hunted by other players. You could clan up with an established player but that presumes you know people you trust to clan with when going into an open official setting and doesn’t help someone getting into the game for the first time on a lark purchase.


I mean, I dont ever have anything in survival, unless i spec straight 30 for farming or 40 for the poison resistance

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I dont really agree. I think that craftable gear is suitable to take down anything in the game. I solo kill the arena champion in light armour with a star metal mace. it takes two minutes.

Craftsble epic or derived from warmaker? Thats what i use but im not contending fromm attacks from other players to get it.

Im not sure I follow you.

Im just saying that you do not need anything but some crafted armour and weapons to be able to do all the content. you can storm through all of the wine cellar in 15 minutes with only crafted gear

So let me ask it a different way then. How long should it take to solo a boss? 3 min? 5 min? 30 min? 5 hours? Do we do it with buffed or without buffed players? Vanilla settings? Below vanilla so that players do a 1/10th of the damage?

The answer to that question comes down to personal preference. I like my boss fights to be under the 5 min mark personally, and as I play on and pay for a private server, I don’t feel unjustified in my desire to tailor my experience to my desires. I only have to please me and my players and we play together specifically because we all place a similar value on how tedious or fast paced the game should be. Solo’ing bosses, I have full control of that and I can set it to my own desire. Officials however are a community, so the relative power of players and their ability to solo bosses is a decision to be made for maximal enjoyment of all.

Now back to thralls for a sec. I can’t set that. I’m stuck with someone else’s vision of what a thrall should be which is different than it was at launch, which is different than it was after perks, which is different after it was after the last nerf, and which will be different again after this coming nerf. So I’m not sure there is evidence for a very clear vision of how powerful thralls should be on a mass scale since the goal posts keep moving, but what is clear, is that thralls are considered an important aspect of the game.

So back to a player being able to solo bosses. WHY DOES IT MATTER? We have thralls to command and use. They are there to do our bidding. If I want my thrall to solo a boss, that should be my choice. If I want my thrall to help out weakly, again, as a private server renter who pays for a custom experience, it should be my prerogative. Having it top down dictated to me when I have so many other customization tools at my disposal but not THIS particular one, is inconsistent and frankly, punitive.


I quickly ran through the wine cellar in testlive, I went for the khari sword guy because I had read your post. :slight_smile: I dont know if it’s helpful or not.