Players lack the health to be the hero, one or two shots from a boss or thrall and we run away or cower in fear behind our thrall, the thrall rework will not change this. I suggest a rebalance of health and damage output of player characters. 400-500 health is not heroic, it’s cowardly. Even in pvp our health pool is far from sufficient resulting in quick deaths. Players need some staying power imo.
Increase player health by a factor of 5 and damage by a factor of 2 or three. Rebalance all other non boss creatures from there.
Additionally to these changes I would like to see bosses becoming realy BOSSES instead of basic enemies with lots of HP and harder damage. They should have different mechanics that you need to react to because right now bosses are simply bullet sponges and don’t differ from anything else in the game (with very few exceptions).
What’s the difference between Guardian of the Flame and Darfari Fighter I for example? The Watcher simply has 70 times more HP and 20 times more damage.
Actually all they need to do is put combat healing back in…but then of course pvp will cry about it but then that just reinforces the fact that pvp and pve should never have been combined in this game…it is two whole different worlds at this point. Before the followers were introduced along with all the pointless new weapons and armors the game was simple and enjoyable and hard and now its just tedious…anyone like me that played before early access was over knows what i am talking about.
A thrall doesn’t know how to dodge, or how to retreat, or even how to use a shield or backflip properly. If they had our hitpoints, they’d be useless because the first random hyena they encounter would have a decent chance of killing them.
Thralls compensate with their higher stats for their unfortunate, innate lack of brains. And despite that, a player vs. thrall battle is strongly skewed in the player’s favor. It’s amazing how huge a factor even the rudimentary sentience of an average player is.
I don’t know how much PvP you have done but in it’s current state it is just poke then run, there is no real trading of blows. Did you ever stop to consider that if players had more health pool and slightly increased damage that people might stay and fight for a few blows rather than run away?
I think, for how it works right now, that the number of hits exchange is ok. The staggering feature stops pointless exhange of blows. If you start to hit, the enemy will need, anyway, to run away. I think PVP between players is ok how it is right now (better after the replacement of the 4° accuracy perk)
I agree on buffing the players, but scaling in the same way health and damage.
From what ive read both sides complain about the thralls. Pve says we r not the heroes, pvp says we get one hit by thralls. There is an obvious solution to this. Rework the thralls so they have high hp but hit like lightweights. On the pve side you will have a tank but you gotta dish out most of the damage or your thrall will die. For PVP in the field it would be like fightin a 1 skull rocknose.
Now base defense is where this gets tricky. Obviously you cant have the thralls like this for a purge or when your getttin raided. So…we now would have to install another modifier. When the thralls r set to gaurd, their hp and damage could go to what they are now. When they r following you they just become a bullet sponge.
I can only agree here. I don’t know how they are going to do it but they must. It is very sad that this words will come out of me but, all this changes because of the dodge system? Before the dodge change having a thrall or not was the same. I don’t remember using anything than bearers before . Ofcurce some bosses was mission impossible for solo kill, still i was fighting most of the bosses solo. The fight was not 2 min but 20, killing them however was an achievement. I wish they will found a solution that will look in front and not back. Still i wouldn’t mind to have bigger dodge in lighter armors .
I already have to babysit my thrall. They may hit hard with one hit, but they land a fraction of the hits making me the primary damage dealer. Usually they are swinging at empty air.
, no they are just trying to kill a fly. They were stupid before, now the are cows looking trains. IQ 0. Especially when they do the thing with the weapon, take out put it back in, take it out put it back in, oh i can fight with my fists, yea i am Rocky Balboa, oh i have a weapon too… Ooo it hits better.
Why does everyone say this? Is everybody on here running around in fiber clothing with 0 points in vitality? That’s wholly not correct, unless by some fluke I specifically have 5x the health of everyone else in the universe even though I play on official rates.
I really don’t intend to playstyle shame anybody, but you actually need to try and build for combat when you do combat. Not doing that is like saying we need more encumbrance because you personally don’t put anything into encumbrance.
Are you insinuating people have to run the 5th perk in vitality to be viable in PvP? Do they also have to run the damage reduction perk?
Full vitality, damage reduction perk with heavy armor and the player still has no real staying power.
Boss fight. Get hit, bring up the shield block and heal or dodge and run around while healing. Hardly heroic.
PvP. Poke, dodge then run and heal. The loser is either the unlucly one or the person that ran out of healing. With the new thrall control you can have your thrall attacking the enemy thrall while you fight the enemy player then quick switch your thrall to come out of the blue and knock out half your enemy players health. Potentially a death blow. Again, hardly heroic.
Doing anything to avoid taking damage by using existing game mechanics is hardly heroic?
I don’t remember the story where conan took 37 sword blows to the face and shredded everything in sight as he did. He did an awful lot of running and blocking
All this conversation is ending inside the khari dungeon. I want to see this stats to the 4rth mini boss Skeleton that wields the khari great sword . This skeleton hits worst than Spinas lvl 20 with sword of crom . Plus now the skeleton minions in that dungeon come by 10 . They just spawn next to you and they crash you before you understand it . Guys we are all experienced players here . We all play this game too long now . We all know that there are several fights in this game that you cannot solo . For this and only @UltraViolent is right , nerfing thralls is not enough to make us the heroes of the game , we need more fire power and more endurance. That however will effect only pve , not pvp . The fights between 2 players must be ballanced and stay the way it is and better if possible .
My dear @Rohi this stats are wonderfull but you have a serius weakness in poisoning without survival. If by chance you get hit by queens venom you will not understand how fast you will die. At least one perk to survival, even in pve survival is important.