(PLEASE HELP!)Trying to create clan but says I'm already in a clan

When I go to create a clan, I am met with the create a clan screen, however when I attempt to create a clan it says “you are already in a guild”.

I am unable to invite any of my friends to my clan, the sound for the invite wheel happens but it does not appear. I’m also unable to be invited to any other clans since it says I am already in a clan.

The playerlist shows that I am in a clan however when I try to place a clan workbench it says I must be in a clan to do so.

This is a problem because I am the only person in this ghost clan and all of my friends are unable to access any of their stuff or be in my clan. We have a big base which no one but me can access and I can’t invite anyone else into clan or join another one to transfer ownership.

If anyone knows how to fix this please advise on how to do so, we really do not want to end up losing many months worth of building and loot.

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Greetings @LordStanley ,

Thank you for sharing this with us!

Can you let us know if you’re playing on a private or official server and the server number (if on an official server) ?

Please, let us know the character and clan name. If you prefer you can send us a DM.

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Hello, thank you for the response. It seems server restart has fixed the problem and everything is working correctly now.

This was on official server #2105


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