Please make character name and stat bars visible

too often i’m forced to wait for the name of an npc to come in before i know whether or not to attack it or try and capture it.

also, i have no idea how my thrall’s health is doing or the various issues (poisoned, bleeding, etc)

for me to see my own thralls info, i have to damage it a little. that’s just dumb.

please fix this. there should be ZERO reasons its not working properly



Is it a persistent bug?
Sometimes I have to walk to a hand distance to player to see his name, while other act as if they can see my name even when it is dark night and I am behind walls.

almost every character, npc or player, does not show it’s stat bar until its been damaged. even when i’m standing next to them letting them hit me (the bar shows up once my shield does a bit of damage)

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