Pondering on some lingering "logic"

Minor things that I have been curious about:

  • Why cant I kick while holding a bind ? I mean, sure, offhand would mean something else, but really ? Someone holding a bind on off hand and a weapon in the main hand would not kick ?
  • Why thralls with shields stand and not attack ? I know, the “bug” about them doing nothing. But this is another level. If you give a shield to a thrall, they will be exceedingly dumb using it. Not Thrall NPCs and non-thrall companions will not be as “passive” holding a shield.
  • Why cant I place something over foundations (this is "chapter two on why people and npcs dip into foundations) ? If you are placing certain objects over foundations, they wont be “allowed” to be built unless they are put in a certain way. That should not be an issue unless the root component that look for something “standing on top of foundations” have its detection turned off for a “crumb of performance” and turned on by triggers which often do not happen.
  • Why there are no internal walls in all building sets ? I mean, not that it is that hard to have them. You can just have a wall that has its internal side mirrored both sides.
  • Why cant I put window covers in any window ? Since they exist, the socket for them can be added to all windows.
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