Proposition for land claim

Every time you log in to the public servers you have to agree to the ToC and there is a link. As has been pointed out, the rules are so vague in some instances people can have completely opposite interpretations. When you see me and a certain other forumite go round and round its because of just that.

I’m all for the block, set down your block, it lights up the area showing you boundaries; just like the death wall in look. A setting in the block turns it on and off. So if you want to run out to the corners and slap down what ever you like to mark it, go ahead, not a land claim.

But, as I have said, I like to have a few small bases. When I first started Conan it was my habit to make a drop bases as I pushed north. When I go to a place where I was getting my ass handed to me regular, I set up a drop base. A sleeping bag, couple of storage chests, black smith and armor for repairs. With the addition of the transpatory stone pads; transpads? Transtones? I changed my drop base design so it was a pad, chests, dancer, and bearer. My drop bases now are about 1-2 rings bigger then the transpad.

But to me that means the game aught to allow multiple bases per player. I don’t think I’ll get much push back they are practically mandatory.

But since no one has proposed a block size; note I usually build small, say 10x10x10 for your primary, and the blocks you unlock as you level 5x5x5. So max would be 35x35x35. Which sounds huge to me.

Still trying to work out the clan base thing. I don’t do PVP and that is where it would be most critical.

Oh, hell, forgot about the battle flags on PVE. Those set a PVP area around the flag. I think land claim could be done very similarly. Be a land claim flag.

What about blocks of land with a predetermined build area and phasing? Think something like how the Sims work.

What we do on my server - we carry tents around. You are in some hellhole, and need a base, you need to logout - place a tent, a fence foundation, a doorframe on it, and finally the door - tadaa :tada: - a mobile base.

Building around is nice, but it is kind of selfish, because of land claim and because of server performance. I saw on officials that everyone has a base in the north close to black ice and star metal and then there are mansions with a pool at noob river. Noob river is supposed to be for noobs :innocent:

But since no one has proposed a block size; note I usually build small, say 10x10x10 for your primary, and the blocks you unlock as you level 5x5x5. So max would be 35x35x35. Which sounds huge to me.

We are RP group so kind of both PvE and PvP, we raid together but bases are PvE and lore friendly, no spiked boxes.
So in players hub we have a limit of 36 foundations, ground floor + 1 floor and then the roof. It’s perfectly enough to make a treasure room, living area with separate bath and wardrobe, workshop, and a tavern. It’s kind of tight when you first get used to it, but then you notice that it looks natural.

Of course tier 3 workbenches are a problem, but you can put your caprenter etc outside, which adds cools factor and makes things look even more real and lore friendly.

It can be done, but yes, on classic PvP server you need a triple wall, to guard another triple wall with columns inside, etc…

They could make certain placeables exempt. Of course, that makes the whole system even more complex, and we’re already talking about a huge change to a fundamental game mechanic.

On the other hand, I don’t see why transportory stones would be made obsolete by this change. You could have only as many transportory stones as you can have claims. That would cut down on spam. :man_shrugging:

They could, but that wouldn’t eliminate any complaints. This whole topic is fundamentally flawed, because the size is not what gets you suspended, as evidenced by countless complaints from: 1) people who got suspended despite building small, and 2) people witnessing huge builds that never get wiped despite reports.

And no, you can’t make a heatbar that would follow the actual spirit of the rules. You need humans to judge that.

Anyone who talks about how a code can be changed “slightly” better have a lot of experience coding :wink:


Thankfully these are opinions and not facts.

This is where we start to get into sticky situations. Everyone has opinions and Funcom doesn’t want to make clear what their intentions are with few exceptions.

Perhaps that is a result of the sandbox nature of the game, or not, because we don’t know.

But, I can assure everyone here that if we restrict block limits to miniscule amounts no one on PVP would survive having a base on Officials. Instead those that are in the know will live off of temporary setups, BVs and hidden chests. It’s bad enough most new players assume they can have a beautiful, defensible castle and get their hopes and dreams completely ruined on first raid. The raiding system currently is in shambles and adding a restrictive and poorly thought out block limit would exacerbate it further.

Indeed, but perhaps it could be an indicator of performance problems due to putting down too many placeables + building size and npc number, no? What is a lavish decoration for some is a spartan lifestyle for others. It could give a sort of indication when we start creating performance problems. But is it even feasible?

And why I’d leave clan land claim up to some one that knows PVP. How should personal land claims be lent to a clan?

I know on PVE there will be the one man clans so people can build huge regardless. But is there any way to get PVP to work in the land claim frame work I have suggested?

For me this is more about land claim then server lag. I think there needs to be decoration limits, but you know I’m a minimalist, so…

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I’m pretty sure it is. But that’s not the question a development team has to ask. Or rather, it’s only a small part of a bigger question: is it worth doing?

Every bit of code you write takes time you could spend writing some other code or maintaining existing code. On top of that, every bit of code you write is code you have to document, test, and maintain.

Documenting code usually goes out the window first, so let’s ignore that for the moment. We all know Funcom doesn’t exactly have a stellar track record when it comes to testing, so let’s agree to ignore that, too.

So now we’re left with two things: opportunity cost, and future maintenance cost.

The cost of implementing the heatbar is, perhaps, not as big as implementing claim blocks or some other fundamental revamp, but it’s still non-trivial.

The future maintenance cost could be surprisingly high, though. Every time a new “source of heat” is discovered, the code would have to be updated. And depending on the implementation, they might even need to assign the “heat score” to each building piece and placeable, which would incur additional cost every time they want to add new pieces and placeables to sell in the Bazaar.

And all that potential cost for what? So that people won’t complain about official server moderation? Let’s set aside our difference in belief about whether they even care about those complaints. Just ask yourself one thing: do you really believe a heatbar would actually make people complain substantially less? Especially given Funcom’s complete refusal to be even slightly more transparent about the concrete reasons for suspending or banning someone.


Agree. The problem is that I don’t believe they have a lot of employees available, so informative automation could help.

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Probably not. Likely they would complain about how fast it turned red.:smile:
But I am not worried about complaints. I’m worried about fairness. If the player has the information that he is entering dangerous grounds, he assumes the risk by doing it. I think currently a lot of players screw up without knowing. Of course this gadget wouldn’t account for many other infractions… so yes, it needs pondering. It has its shortcomings.
I don’t believe it should substitute giving the player the reasons of his punishment. It would just coadjuvate the process.

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Introduce 2 items:

Clan banner - Clan related land claim. It allows the clan to build in a large proximity around it. Only 1 per clan. This is your main clan base, castle, whatever.

Standard - Per-player land claim. It allows player to build in a small proximity around it (think a medium size house). Every player has only one only. This means even if you’re a solo player and don’t make a clan, you can build your house. If you want something larger, you must form a clan, which makes sense.

How it works:

  1. Clan has to place the CLAN BANNER or Personal Standard
  2. Start building in the proximity as you see fit.

What does it solve:

  • no guidelines required
  • no trashed server. Even solo players will only be able to have one base
  • no wrapping other players bases with your own structures. Banner proximities can’t overlap
  • no land claim issues. Everything is an in-game mechanic
  • members of a clan can still use the personal standards to make small houses of operations around map, up to 10 (Because theres max 10 clan members)
  • claim proximity should be adjustable in server settings for private servers.

This should be much simpler to implement than claiming chunks. A similar mechanic is I’m fallout 76. You place a workshop and a marker appears that shows the proximity in which you can build.

All problems solved. Forever.

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Gods no, especially when you can get efed if your clanmates screw up without you even knowing.

The rest doesn’t solve much, because you can build small, inside the claim, and still break the rules (torch spamming to cause lag, for instance).

The rules are mostly about purpose, not size.

Not sure what you mean by the first sentence. What does having a crappy clan mates have to do with land claim in this scenario? As a clan you build together.

Dude, a clanmate screws up, you all pay. The problem here is not even landclaim, but the need to associate forcefully if you want to build beyond a certain size. That’s bad on principle alone. There’s enough leniency already when evaluating the base size of a 10 pax clan compared to a 1 pax size clan. Even the number of allowed thralls is higher.

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That’s the thing, right there. There are measures they can take, with the employees that they do have available, that would improve things without incurring development costs. If they aren’t willing to do that, why would they be willing to invest into a new in-game mechanic?

Me too. That’s why I always push for the same thing: transparency. There’s no way to reason about fairness if we aren’t allowed to know anything beyond the broadest infraction category (i.e. “building and land claim abuse”).

Let me fix that for you: “All the old problems replaced with new ones. Until the next time things change.”

Seriously, if you think that limiting solo players to only one claim is not going to cause any problems, I don’t know what to tell you. Of all the ways Funcom could kill Conan Exiles by driving away their target playerbase, your idea is either at the top or very close.

Precisely. That’s why every thread that asks Funcom to add building limits is doomed from the start. The discussion eventually either devolves into bickering between those who understand the real problems and those who stubbornly cling to their preconceptions, or dies out slowly when the latter group runs out of steam for their echo chamber.


Clans are supposed to work together. If you don’t trust your own clan mates and take randoms, that’s your problem. What you’re describing is absolutely unavoidable and your own responsibility.

The easiest solution in the current setup or the one I described is simply rank permissions. If you don’t trust your clan mate with building, decrease their rank to the one that doesn’t allow construction within clan banner area.

As for being afraid of your clan mate ■■■■■■■■ your clan over by going out of the allowed area THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE. Why? Because no objects could be placed outside of the proximity. The game simply doesn’t let you. It’s an in-game mechanic like in Fallout. It’s not a rule on a paper.

To the OP. If one banner per player not enough, just increase the number, but the machanic itself does shelter from a lot of issues and it is battle tested. Your original idea while noble, has no legs to work as an in-game mechanic.

See? A problem that you would be creating by imposing such restrictions to solos and small clans. Eventually, the game would pressure them to accept randoms.
Listen, it’s a problem no PS5 user would ever have. We have all the alt accounts we want for free. But pc dudes pay for them.

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I completely don’t understand you. The bigger the clan, the more area you have which is how things should be. As a solo player you shouldn’t build a base size of an entire map block. Other aspects of the game,.like thralls, also increase with clan size. That’s how it should be and how the game currently works.

The rest can be easily solved with PERMISSIONS as I’ve said. Don’t trust John with building? Decrease his rank and he won’t be able to build inside the clan banner area. Simple as that. No need to reinvent the wheel. That’s how it works in other games.

I understand the principle, but you only need 9 more beds. A room. There. That’s the only necessary difference between a 10pax clan vs 1pax clan.
Is that the difference you want? Because in practice this is not what happens and that’s already taken into consideration.

Evidently. The rules are not about the size of your claim. They’re not about the area it takes up. If you don’t understand that, go read the rules again. Rinse and repeat, until you achieve understanding :wink: