Provide a complete list of console commands for admins and single-players

Please enact the title. Single-players and especially server admins are hampered by the lack of availability for certain functions that would enhance their control of the environment and enrich the experience.

I realize this is a subset of the total number of players, but feel it would be appreciated by those who want/need it and potentially increase unofficial server populations and, well, players.

This was considered and promised several times over the past two years (you know who you are :slight_smile: ).

Those of us who maintain the Wiki would document and provide the information to the appropriate people.

We await hopefully.




I’m not quite sure which commands you feel are missing?

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Isn’t that the point, Kaivian? Try turning off the requirement to eat, or set the time of day, or enjoy unlimited sprint from the console. Those are just a few I cannot find.

There are a few that I use, having stumbled across them. Slomo comes to mind and it is invaluable in taking screenshots to show a crisp picture of a thrall so people can see what they look like.

My scenario is different from most since I use single player extensively to gather Wiki information and there are a number (like above) that I have to do manually every time I need to test something, but that’s just me.

How much else is available through the console commands that is not publicly documented?

I appreciate your question, thanks :slight_smile:




Yes, Shadoza, it does, in the admin panel. My request was for the console commands, though. I used those as an example of some of the missing commands in response to Kaivian, not as a comprehensive list (since we haven’t seen one).

Additionally, how many console commands are available that are not available in the admin interface?

Let’s hear from some system admins about their opinions. Maybe this is not important enough to warrant attention, but the admins I talk to want it.

Does that answer your question?




Yes, the command console is accessed with the tilde key. We have not found, for instance, a command to ignore the need to eat which can be toggled in the admin panel.

Whoever figured out SetServerSetting NPCrespawnmultiplier 0.0000001 must have been a genius.

Rather than odd, it’s just that we don’t know it. While I’m sure it exists as a console command, no one has seen the syntax.

Thus, the request.




Yes. We have found several, but it’s hunt and peck. I suspect the QA department, at least, would have a complete list.



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Any server admins here who want to chime in? If it’s not important to you, I will drop it.



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Try turning off the requirement to eat, or set the time of day, or enjoy unlimited sprint from the console. Those are just a few I cannot find.

You may already be aware of most of this, but hopefully some of it is insightful.

A lot of console commands like this probably don’t exist. It’s important to note that the console is a base feature of the Unreal Engine, and wasn’t written by the Exiles devs, so code functions written specifically for Conan Exiles would not be automatically integrated with the console. All the console commands unique to CE, such as forcing sandstorms, purge commands, level follower etc. were likely deliberately added as console commands by a developer.

This means that clickable buttons in the admin panel, such as setting the time of day or toggling hunger/thirst very likely have a direct call to internal game functions, and are not being routed through an unknown console command. So there’s no guarantee console commands exist to make CE do things it can be told to do elsewhere.

Also, the Slomo command, if I’m not mistaken, is a default Unreal Engine 4 feature, so its omission from a list of administrative commands provided by the Exiles devs is likely because they weren’t aware of it, or they chose to only list console commands they actually made for the game specifically, rather than include an exhaustive list of all UE4 console commands that might be useful.

It’s possible this issue you’re raising hasn’t been acted upon in the past because when they check their list against the published one, it looks like the community has already been provided with all known administrative commands that they’ve implemented.

This isn’t to say that more useful things exist that aren’t documented, either in the form of forgotten and/or unknown CE or base UE4 console commands. There may be other useful UE4 base features besides Slowmo that could be found in a list of standard Unreal Engine 4 console commands.

Personally, I’d love to see the CE devs actually expand administrative abilities. It would be nice on some private servers, for example, to be able to grant players access to ‘cheats’ like infinite stamina or spawning in items without giving them full administrative access to change all kinds of server settings, which as far as I can tell is currently impossible. :slight_smile:

Allowing admins to create one or more custom ranks that can be assigned to player accounts, each with specified permissions allowing them to access, use or change certain cheats or server settings would be awesome. The ‘all or nothing’ admin power is rather inadequate.


you can’t find a console command for all the admin panel stuff because there is no console command. there is no relationship between admin panel toggles and console commands. yes, some overlapping but not a relationship. 2 independent ways to configure things and if we add the normal settings then there are even 3 independent ways with some overlappings.

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I agree Jim1. A compiled list which could be posted for yourself, and reposted for other users would prove to be a helpful go to list for players. There is just way too many to remember them all, and the sources which I have observed on the net are fragmented or incomplete at best.


perhaps these references will give you some of what you are looking for:


Rollotomozi, I’m afraid those links lead to documentation for Unreal Engine 2 and Unreal Engine 3; too old. Conan Exiles is based on Unreal Engine 4. :slight_smile:

He’d probably have better luck starting over here:

There you’ll find a lot of console commands that will be familiar to Conan Exiles players, including Fly, Ghost, and yes, even Slomo.

Be careful though; some of these are scary! Use of a command like PlayersOnly will likely cause instant regret, or at least a very prompt session restart. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Daedalon, profound thanks for the detailed information! It is much more detailed than the rather terse conversations I have had on the UE forums. The position stated there matched your description and the best I could boil it down to is talk to Funcom. My understanding from that and your post is this:

UE4 was purchased or leased by Funcom to develop the game and it included all console commands available. Throughout development they were used as an aid for several purposes, but not all of them because they did not apply to the game. Several, but certainly not all, were incorporated into the admin panel and other unique controls may have been added. This set of console commands was used internally to develop, debug and play the game.

Today, it’s probably a rather static list of available commands that aid in the continuing work. It may be a piece of paper tacked to a wall near the appropriate workstations, but more likely a resident file freely, but internally, available. It should (but may not) include the command, the parameters and a short definition of what it does. It may also denote on certain lines be careful with this one, see xxxx for side effects.

I suggested this as an aid to server admins, single-players and testers (like myself for the last two) and brought it up because it would be a valuable tool. It’s not my idea; I blatantly ripped it off from a post over a year ago and thought, damn, wouldn’t that be good.

The response to the first post I saw was from a Funcom Community Manager (now promoted) that they would publish the list. When I asked about it 6 months later, the same individual confirmed it was intended.

While it would be extremely valuable to only a subset of the player base, it has larger ramifications and I think would enhance the experience and draw in more players, which is what all of us want.

I’m not asking for an intense effort because I think it already exists. Someone could screen it for potential pitfalls or hack-possibilities in a short time, push it through the channels and publish in some manner.

Your last two paragraphs illustrate uses and benefits, thank you.



PS: Yes, slomo is a UE4 command :slight_smile:


@Croms_Faithful, thank you for the support!
@Rollotomozi, @Daedalon, those are good lists and I looked at all three. Unfortunately, they are UE-based and probably not CE-specific.

I could batch create a complete list of UE commands by using the full console (press tilde twice), screenshotting everything that starts with an ‘a’, MSPaint crop it and OCR it in OneNote. Then repeating it with everything that starts with a ‘b’. Rinse and repeat for the entire alphabet. It would not take much time, but I would still get a list that is not CE-specific.

Funcom has that list and that is the game I have come to love, thus, my third attempt to gain access.

Thanks to all for the helpful suggestions!



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@Testerle, fully agree. I hope my post above, although too long, said approximately what you did. We are limited to 3 ‘at’ mentions and you deserved a specific response anyway :slight_smile:

Thanks, and regards


@Jim1 thanks for you putting time and effort into this pursuit
Us console player admin and server owner could use some help. Being able to allow only certain people particular admin rights would be great. Not having to worry about large amount of abuse. It is hard to explain wiped base on pve server. And thanks to everyone else interested in the game.

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