PS4 (18.03.2019): Optimizations, Balancing, Purges, and much much more

Remove this if it’s not allowed. But I believe this footage may help the developers, I hope it does. If not please delete it

Here’s a discussion video we made with footage from this purge

Check towards g5? I think. (east of The lake at “The Breach” they should all be piled up there. (few of us have noted this with player map icons)

Just had our greater wheel of pain full of named thrawls disappear!

We had a named alchemist that we spent hours tracking down on that thing!

No Information in logs at all!
This just happened. It did not decay. We put thralls on it this morning and it had the max decay time (168 hours) and was clipped to our base!

Nice update guys!

A great update, the explosive trap disappears, the fishing trap disappears, the single buildings disappear. The diary shows dozens of information that something will disappear the next day, despite the presence of players. What did you do?

Hey there,

Our team is aware of this issue and they’re looking into it.

This is an unfortunate side effect of the changes introduced in the map. The old map markers should all be stacked in the same spot somewhere in the map. Deleting them and placing them manually is the only way to proceed, unfortunately.

Our team is still tuning thrall’s combat behavior, so expect a few additional improvements coming down the line :slight_smile:


Thanks to @Ignasi for the details,

RE: MAP - marker glitch, oh well, that’s not the end of the world… even if that’s where I’ll find my old markers. One poster said they found theirs at G5 but mine are not there.
Do our clump of markers show up on the map? I’ve looked over the map last night & not seen a big cluster of markers.
RE: NPC weapon switching - glad to hear that your team is tweaking the AI on that; so far I’ve just decided to take away Dalinsia’s greatsword when we’re in a thrall rich area… crazy hottie has killed too many named or Level III thralls just as I was about to conk them out.
RE: NPC opponents - the patch did say scaled increases in difficulty across the NPC classes. I noticed subtle increases in difficulty when fighting Darfari & Nordheimer NPC opponents BUT a huge increase against Cimmerians… seems like an order of magnitude tougher. Cimmerians now hit extremely hard, even through my Flawless Cimmerian heavy armor (almost 800 HP protection I recall) & the damn cripple effect they can now dole out has caught me by surprise more than once. I’ve not yet tangled with Black Hand, Relic Hunters, Volcano acolytes or Serpent Men so I sure hope they’re not ridiculous. And I’m hoping to gather more feat points in the Unnamed City (main base close by) because I’d love to expand my skill set but I’m guessing those Relic Hunters are also insane… time to pack lots of arrows.

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Look for markers in G10 on the map.

Have a pack of relic hunters almost in my base after the update. That must be where I got the new stone for feats have not killed a boss yet near crown grove.

if you press r1 in the wheel of pain on the right side where the 8 slots are, then the progress bar will reset, that is very bad.

Edit: Ah ok, this is normal to cancel the queue

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in my opinion, the npc could attack immediately if they are in attack range. that would make an evasive role or the use of a shield more relevant.

Some npc react too slowly with their animation, eg. they come up to you and face you while you hit 3 times and then the npc starts with his animated attack.

the break between approaching the player and the first npc attack is too big


besides, the own slave who follows me is far too restrained in fighting and reacts very slowly. he should best attack the target what you are attacking yourself and not only intervene when the player is attacked.

After the update, the following slave can not pass through doors closed behind you. The slave follows you suddenly a lot slower, because he stops more like the player to run after.

Glad to hear you killed the Unnamed City type Relic Hunters (hopefully without too much difficulty) & got the Fragments of Power stones. I’m looking forward to raising my skill sets in some permanent ways so I don’t feel the need to reset my feats from scratch again.
Still a little choked I lost all the stations, named thralls (especially Werk making Flawless Cimmerian armor), altars, and tons of legendary gear & supplies after all the stuff inside my main keep evaporated seemingly from decay (or ?).

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Yes that is sad don’t understand why that happened. I have turned off building timer on our server. You are welcome to come visit WYRM,S BANE

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for me that’s exactly the opposite. I have hardened steel pickaxe with lvl 3 upgrade and hard work

Got to say @PAL_Babarian, my experience just a couple days ago I farmed brimstone at Shattered Springs with a star metal pickaxe & pick… only 2 whacks for each stack of brimstone but still about 11 per hit with the pickaxe… still loaded up my sabretooth with 1000+.

So after testing this week…

Thrall following AI is much better. My Sepemaru Captain is a mouthy braggart that can handle bosses who hold aggro. The bosses that random aggro is still a dance but so far, doable. BIG improvement.

NPC fights are far more dangerous. 1v1 is not so bad (save the Cimmerian and Votary T4’s). The constant kick interrupts and hyper armor attacks are ridiculous. The biggest problem is group fights. When I get swarmed in the Unnamed city by skeles I can’t move. Seriously, CANT MOVE. Cant, Jump, cant run, cant swing a weapon. I have to pray I survive long enough for my thrall to kill them or to grab aggro. This needs to be fixed. Good fight is one thing, implausible and unrealistic is another. The Lemurians can stun lock me with two of them with maces. It took a 5 minute fight to knock out Aiss only to have her roll a stupid amount (5 rolls) off the cliff. I had to switch to a weapon because the lvl 2 thrall was keeping me in stun lock with her. So when he died she was near dead. Rolled off a cliff… did not die right away. I went down. Could not get her to stay on the rope and 2 minutes later she was dead. Nothing hitting her. Only thing I could figure was it was a lingering bleed from the axe.

Still getting blue screen crashes occasionally and completely randomly. Although I tend to get one when opening my inventory after looking at crafting station inventory. One was at the top of a five story staiway… which leads me to the death markers. Good job, so far I have found all my dead bodies easily. Bad Job… I no longer hear my guy struggle to breath when underwater is near running out and I die unwittingly a foot underwater.

Getting bizarre refusal to place building pieces unless I place stuff off to the side first… then it will let me place the piece it should have been able to before. I go back and destroy unnecessary ones. It’s wasting a lot of materials.

I am STILL getting the aggro lag pause. Near a Mob, game pauses and I miss a few steps… may not even get a chase, but I’m in proximity to mob.

The rest I have posted elsewhere. I still have not found the black Yeti.

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Short reply from me and my wife.
We hope we are not alone with our opinion.
The most of the Update is useful and improves the game a lot.
But fighting a NPC is now no fun at all.
I am using steel waepons and was killed several times by enemys with stone.
I cant interrupt them, but every time i got hit i am helpless. Except i roll around…
Dont get me wrong, i like fighting with smart enemys but now it feels like the Game forces me to have a clan, playing online or at least coop. And i dont want to leave my base on singleplayer.

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My wife and I played together most of the weekend. We are level 60 . The fighting is definitely harder but fun some npc is easier than expected and then suprise get your butt kicked by the next.

Yes multiple npc will jam you up badly
Pays to have a thrall in good armor with you and a bedroll.

Anyone else getting weird purges??? We were hit by two purges today back to back. On wave three the purge glitches and didn’t end so our purge meter wasn’t reset and an hour later we were hit by another purge at our second base

We got there too late. Our thralls did not defend and our own archer killed my tribemate after meshing into our furnace.

For gods sake, turn off purges on official dedicated servers until you fix them!

We are behind you guys 100%, however there is something you should realize.

We are not your beta testers, we are your customers!

The excuse that there are no test servers for console is irrelevant guys.

We are your fans and we love your game,
But today was a bad day for our tribe. We lost a lot.

Purge thralls are still spawning inside bases!

Tamed pets, and thralls are not defending purges!

And now we have our own thralls shooting us while we are trying to defend our base?

We have video of all of this, I’ll post it later, it’s late here.

I’m seriously asking you guys to please turn off all purges until you can fix this!

Our server is empty, everyone is quitting!
Our neighbors were caught in the crossfire of this purge and were wiped out. They rage quit. They were good friends of ours. They told us they are going to gamestop tomorrow to “Trade in this trash game”

I still support you guys, but I also don’t blame them. This game is getting worse with every patch.

I welcome purges! I want the challenge! I also want my white tiger, whom I’ve had since I first started andenturing back, he’s dead. Killed before we got to our forest base because he would not fight back. And because a mega crock boss spawned inside our base!

Purges are a good idea. But right now, they aren’t working. Take them offline until they do. Please! You guys are losing players!

I don’t want more of my friends to quit playing because of these problems, please fix them.

Apologies if I seem rude in any way, I’m. Not trying to be I’m just a huge fan and I’m really conserned about what I’ve been seeing these last few days in our server.

By the way, our server is 3828 PVE C
Just Incase you were wondering.
Thanks for any help in this matter. Sadly I probably won’t play this game again until the purge is fixed.

I’d be interested in knowing more about your base and how it was built I to have had purged spawn in my base but I also know why it did and it fits within the games announce purge mechanic. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it’s likely your build style that caused the purge to spawn inside your gates. I don’t play on a conflict server so I can talk about how your thralls might cause you damage but I would ask if you purge happened during conflict hours. Would also like to see the video to gain some insight as to everything you are referring to. I have seen pets and thralls activate and kill purge enemies. All in all I’m probably no help to your situation just hoping you’ll follow through with video so we can all learn from it.