Ps4 admin communication

Any other Private owners/admins who run open servers know of a community that can share info, and known trolls? I would like to contribute some PSN ID’s I have banned, and for what reasons.
I think us sticking together can make it less hassle and more open without having to password protect servers.

Good morning, can you help me with this situation?
Good morning forum, I’ve been playing on ps4 for more than 3 months, and today it’s pretty much on level 60, I find that there is a player who is closing all the portals he has in the game, including the passageway to the volcano and for savannah. Can this happen? Since the server is PVE, it can not destroy buildings, is there any way to get it out of the portals? I’m waiting for an answer …
Thanks in advance!

Officials do not have admins or moderators.

The only tactic i heard about was trolling a boss over to the walls and kite it into attacking and destroying them in PVE.

Private, contact the admin.

Thanks, but how do I contact the administrator of my server? It is official server AméricaLatina 4523.

Then there is no admin. Officials are the wild west. Cotact other players to see if everyone is on same page.

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