Game mode: online
Type of issue: bug
Server type: PvP
Region: US EST
Hardware: ps4
Bug Description:
so the bug is that when thralls and mobs spawn their invisible
Expected Behavior:
them not to be
Steps to Reproduce:
I have no clue
Game mode: online
Type of issue: bug
Server type: PvP
Region: US EST
Hardware: ps4
so the bug is that when thralls and mobs spawn their invisible
them not to be
I have no clue
Welcome to the party, pal
Have not had a invisible one yet. Let my wife find those maybe. He He she’s the killer.
ps4 is unplayed, need a new patch for relive the game
por favor una actualización para el lag!
a veces se hace imposible jugar por que los enemigos se vuelven invisibles y no ves venir los golpes
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