Patch (12.08.2019):
Hello Stalkers!
A new patch has just landed for the PS4 version of Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden and Seeds of Evil expansion, you may find the patch notes below:
Critical Fixes
- Failsafe for potential crash when AI is moving.
- Fixed rare crash when travelling to the Under-Ark.
- Fixed a bug which allowed the player to get to the ark early with the SOE pre-made save.
- Fix for a crash when leaving the game idle for several minutes after starting a new game.
- Fix for Treehugger crash.
- Fix for Ground Pound crash.
- Fixed a bug with medbot in Pripp mission which could vanish after reloading.
- Fixed crash after Seed of Evil cutscenes.
- Fixed possible softlock after pausing Jyko’s first cinema.
Bug Fixes
- Fix for difficulty selection bug when overwriting savegames.
- Control pad/keyboard selection bug fixed.
- Fix for Big Khan being able to damage himself with his own flame puke attack and the attack not hitting the full grid.
- Joker ability no longer taunts all enemies in the map, plus some other fixes with this.
- Fix for rare bug that makes the GUI vanish.
- Pyro’s damage VS preview is now consistent.
- Fix for ‘Doctor’ Artifact skill not granting the amount of health bonus as shown.
- Fix for Artifact skill costs in Pripp’s Bar.
- Fix for med-bots revive action not being interrupted under certain conditions.
- Fix for Magnus’ Puppeteer not being interrupted under certain conditions.
- Fix for infinite medkit pickup glitch on Sea Titans map.
- Credits music now loops.
- Fixed a bug where the “Select” button did not highlight when scrolling over options in the pause menu.
- Ensured loading dice appear during long ark shop loads.
- Lots more stability and minor level fixes.
Thank you for all the feedback and bug reports!