[PS5] Game has crashed several times randomly during gameplay

Basic Info:

Platform: PlayStation 5
Issue Type: Crash
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: # 3181

Bug Description:

The game has frozen several times at random during gameplay, whether passing a built up base or just in the wilderness exploring

Bug Reproduction:

No known trigger, happens near built up bases or less built up environments during gameplay


Happens to me every couple of hours and also takes thralls, stations, building blocks, and placeables frequently with the crashes. Lost 4 level 20 thralls + gear, and two kilns with t4 crafters just this morning. Can’t do a purge since my coffer unregistered while still full, but also cannot be removed. There doesn’t seem to be a reason to play anymore as every login loses more.

The crashing wirh chapter 3 is absurd.

Access bazaar - crash
Access Journey - crash
Load into base - crash
Have new siege castle render in - crash
Run avatar through castle - crash
Open tavern to thralls - crash.

I crash about twice an hour now.

That’s pretty bad it took so much of your progress with the crashes, I don’t think I’d be able to carry on playing after that

Greetings Derangedxzombie!
Thank you for reporting this issue to us.

In order for our team to better analyze this, could you please provide us with your character name on Official Server 3181? You can send a private message to us in reply if you prefer :slight_smile:

We’ll be waiting for your reply!

The character is called Cataclysm (unless you mean PSN ID?)

I actually haven’t had any crashes in the last few days since reporting this, I also haven’t seen the textures flickering from low res to high, I’m not sure if these will come back or what changed them

As my singleplayer game stays broken i have been running around on #3181 today. Had crash at the wardtowers (D10) where some quite big bases are. Textures went away around there and at the cursed mound also, but contrary to my singleplayer if i walk away i get them back…

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