Purge broken exiled lands

Platform: PlayStation 5
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 3500

Bug Description:
Purge not spawning

Bug Reproduction:
Built new purge base. Tried to summon purge. Unable to find basecamp location. Tried with a known good purge base. I.E. I’ve done at least 20 purges there. Still cannot find basecamp message.

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If you don’t have enough space where the coffer is. You also get that massage.
I fixed this many times. Just by moving coffer a bit or make a bit more room and making sure I didn’t put treasure infront of coffer

On our official server, purges only find a basecamp location if there a not more than 8-9 people online

There was plenty of room. Even wiped the whole base and set it in the middle of nothing. Tried like 40 times gpt 2 purges


Could you send us a video of how the area looks outside the base and of you trying to start the purge?

This will help our team recreate this issue.

Thank you in advance!

Yea give me a little bit.

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