Purge broken on Exiled lands after Update 2.7?

Is the Purge broken on Exiled lands after Update 2.7? I can’t get it to turn on, both with normal means and through console commands. Anybody else have this issue?


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Where is your base located and how big it is?

This might help. If you are built in this area you will not receive a purge. If not there are other circumstances causing you not to receive a purge.

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I guess its small, its T1, savanah…used to purge on smaller bases before. Base defense against a Purge is a big fun of the game, i hope it is still working!

After the 2.7 release I had the TestServe giving me a purge every 45 minutes or so. Whatever that might imply about the mechanism…

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I didnt have purge in newbie (green) zone, even after i filled its meter to full. After i started new base in Derketo region it started immideatly.

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No problems with purges here. All seems to work fine.


I had a purge today and I can confirm it worked fine.


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