Purge issues since Mount Update

Game mode: Online private
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE
Region: EU

Since the update, Purges keep spawning INSIDE bases that are flat on land with nothing in the way… all purges would have pretty much space ( more than two or three vanilla landclaimradius width ) to spawn around it… yet it spawns inside the bases, on top of the roofs…

Not to mention we have several players that get more than 1 kind of purge at the same time…
Buggy area that have been confirmed is J8 on the map as well in C7.
Players there have build flat on the direct map ground, and plenty of space around… yet the purges spawn inside their houses and on top of it, pet purges are mixing with undead purges and Human npc purges…

We tried changing the level of the purge, doesn’t matter… they still mix.
We even had a bugged Sobeck Believer Purge in J8, where we couldn’t kill them at all… 12 players , lv 60 with lv 15 thralls on follow and we weren’t able to kill them at all… the only thing that did stop them was the admin commando to kill the current wave… not fun.

I got reports that other server owners have similar issues on those locations, servers with and without mods… so nope… it is not a mod issue.

Mods we use currently:
Pippi, Emberlight, Savage Steel 1+ 2, Schatten von Skelos Ext., Arena Pier, Mostly Sunny.

None of them messes with purges… or landclaim.

Our current landclaimradius is set to 0,2. Never was an issue.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Build a perfectly flat Base directly on the ground in either J8 or C7 on the map, set purge level to lv 3 or 4 to ensure human purges ( that’s what we were aiming for)
  2. get a purge several times
  3. at least every second purge is either bugged or a double or triple purge

Hey @Daenaira

We know you mentioned those mods do not affect purges in any way, but… could you see if this issue does also happen on a vanilla game?

it does. there is no difference between vanilla bugged purges or with the mods enabled.

I have seen no difference at all at my two servers, one with mods, the other completely without.


Purge has to be an absolute priority to fix as right now it is a mess. Before the Mounts update it was (kinda) working in a predictable manner, but after resent patch everything about the Purge is broken.

  1. Purge strength value gives you absolutely no clue of what to expect. Purge value 4 can give you a Starved Exiles purge, followed by a Cultist purge - and single Cultist has more HP then the entire Exiles purge combined HP pool (multiplied by 3).

1st there was a bask of lizzards - and they came in a predictable manner, traversed the slopes correctly on their way up to my hill base. The only problem with this purge type is it still spawns a Crocodile Boss who can destroy your entire base if you don’t defend it yourself.
2nd Purge - Band of Exiles. First wave - 5 (?) NPC out of expected 10 (as Purge lvl is set to 4), second wave - 10 NPC as expected. NPC’s navigated terrain, but completely ignored collision - every single one of them has passed through a giant rock like it was nothing. But if you engage them suddenly clipping is turned on(?) and they started chasing me around the same rock. And finally 3rd wave spawned inside the terrain, because(?) my base was using a hill slope as a “wall”. They sat inside the terrain and shot arrows on my foundations and there was nothing I can do about it.

Why the hell it was even spawned inside the terrain as 2 Purges just before it never had issues with finding clear, unobstructed path to my base?

Oh, and the 3rd Purge was Sobec’s Cultists -
And every single one of them had more HP then the entire Exiles purge combined.
And they where using Dragon bows and Obsidian swords.
And they only came in waves of 10 (lizzards and Exiles where 5-10 NPCs per wave).
And they dropped trash like sticks and light hides. Seriously, Exiles dropped better loot
And they where non-capturable.

  1. Pathing is non existent.
    Purge starting spawn place is chosen completely random - before the patch Purge spawned at set location, depending on your base layout. This gave you a tool (a very crude and unintuitive one, but still working tool) to funnel Purge mobs into specific location and prepare your defenses accordingly.
    Purge spawning on top of bases was suppose to be a way to prevent players building elevated bases, but right now top spawned Purges are common thing, even if the base is built on the ground level.

I can go on and continue about Purge issues forever :pensive:


Further… we were also confronted now with purges that spawn UNDERGROUND… and inside of mountains if there is a layer of ground meshes there… not funny :confused:

where i found the purge…

TeleportPlayer -124918.632813 -8668.650391 -3509.584229

and the base where it should be going to… which it can’t…for obvious reasons…

and…this is from the other purge:
this purge spawns on this small plateau and gets stuck there inside the mountain…

TeleportPlayer -235324.015625 58240.191406 -3158.051758

And that are only the 2 times that people called me for help when the red cross didn’t vanish on the map even though nothing approached the players… so yeah… pretty sure there are a couple of more.
I’m surprised to find this an issue again… since as far as I can remember, we last dealt with that before the Turan DLC got released… <.<

After some serious testing…

Lv 6 purges are extremely bugged… at most players get 1 to 2 waves… not one of the lv 6 purges runs through all 10 possible waves…

Lv 5 purges are kinda the same… they manage to get up to 6 or 7 waves… depending on the map location

lv 4 purges have been proven to be the most vicious ones… the spawn with massive amounts of NPC’s in each wave and get usually up to 10 waves, nearly every time. Only every 3rd of 4th purge in that level is bugged with less than 2 waves.

lv 3 and 2 has been proven to be just as buggy, either the purges aren’t showing up at all ( yes, checked under the meshes and nope… no npc spawns there at all) or if they spawn, they come all in one wave…
The yeti purge that was suppose to show up, didn’t show at all at this location TeleportPlayer -132594.125 -66772.242188 117.570007.
It was so bugged that only pushing it to next wave per admin command managed to get it defeated.

Haven’t tested lv 1 purges…

But… all of them have a huge delay in timer between purge waves. Some purges show as intended, others are complete no shows. Then there are the purges that spawn every single time for all waves completely beneath the original map… and then those that spawn inside mountains…

Add to that, that the followers randomly vanish and bug either inside mountains, foundations or pop up at random spots on the map…

yeah… this is an ISSUE and one that needs some TLC quite urgently as it is the main PVE feature for many many servers…

if you need anything else, please let me know and I am happy to help you out with whatever you might need.

my purge settings:


amount of players usually online 8 -18 at the same time for purges. game.db was created 4.11.2019 (November this year)


Thank you for the thorough feedback regarding the purge issues you’ve faced, we’ll be sure to forward this data to the developers.


thank you very much.

any idea when we can hope for a fix? cause at the moment this is messing massively with the game and the happiness of the players that keep on facing bugged out purges.


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okay so here is one more thing we noticed…

We were able at some locations to “push” the purge spawn points more to the side, on those spots where it spawned underneath the mesh by building on top of those areas… not an ideal solution but a make do for now

Now… if my memory serves me right, we had a similar issue when the purge got released way back in August 2018… I remember many of the issues from back then to match with the current ones…

I also vaguely remember having spoken to someone who meant that the issue was caused due to changes to the ground mesh due to the way foundations were “snapping” themselves to the ground…
Now we got the mounts, the ground mesh was again in need to be changed to match the needs of mounts moving on them…
could it be that the issue is simply due to changes on the ground mesh?

@Ignasi maybe this is something to consider to as well?

Any Update on how the fiixing is going?

Cause honestly… the silence currently is a little bit frustrating…
I know you are all probably busy,…but an overall statement/update per week on what things you are making progress on, would do wonders for the frustration levels of all the server owners and players out there, that actually love the game and want to keep playing it…

So even a little “trello got updated” or “we are working on a fix” would be better than nothing at all pls.

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similar ish issue with purge mobs spawning inside foundations only way we have found is to break down the affected foundation