On my server, using purified water give a cool down effect.
Was this changed and meant as new feature ? I don’t think so.
Usually purified water allowed to drink while in the cold, and not have a cooling effect. What would be the point of making them, i can drink at my waterskin.
They added the cooling effect to nearly all water Sources with the december patch.
It now includes drinking from rivers and Ponds as well as nearly every crafted source of water, with the exception of Highland berry juice. Or other stuff that explicitly warms you.
The point to purified water is the stacking to 50. Waterskin only have 10 uses to the slot, purified water has 50 uses per slot. I still use waterskin, easy to maintain and use on the run.
The other point is they’re scroungeable. If you’re running back to grab what remains of your stuffs after PVP headcrushing, NPC water starting at the Darfaris is the way to go. If it freezes you, this changes one’s semi-nude calculations.
Tha’ts was the question of the post at start. Did they change the way it’s working.
And answer was yes, it was changed, and now gives a cooling effect like all water sources.
As long as i know, i can act accordingly, and that’s fine to me.