Purified Water Should Not Consume the Glass Flask

Purified comes from water-filled glass flask, which comes from combination of water + a glass flask.

Why does this process consume the glass flask instead of returning it once the water is purified?


Water can be purified only by melting glass with it. (I agree with you, if not the flask itself we should at least get some glass back)

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I’t required to consume the glass flask in the process because if you notice it, purified water is in a goblet :stuck_out_tongue:

Why you lose the goblet when you use purified water ? You’re a barbarian, so of course you shatter it on the ground after drinking :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Funcom said something about new building blocks… I wait for real glass windows! They may even be lattice or grilled windows to be not as brittle as glass :wink: but give a better sight than our current window frames.


Basically this:


Ah…you aren’t melting the glass. The glass is just essentially your cooking pot/beaker.

Purifying the water simply means you are boiling it, to kill away any bacteria that might be living in the water.

Logically the recipe just needs to be altered to give you 1 Purified Water and 1 Glass Flask back.


sure makes sense

Outside jokes I disagree: I think when you consume purified water you have to take back the emptied glass flask, but the purified water has to stay somewhere, it’s still a liquid :wink:

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Given the Purified Water looks to be in something completely different from the Glass Flask, I would assume more that the glass is only used during the boiling process. After which the liquid is poured into another container.


Right. We’re talking purified water, not guaranteed-to-remain-or-even-be-sterile water after all.

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Well, of course it’s a game so it do not requires to be SO realistic in crafting processes.

Let me say (more seriously but not so much more) : when you craft purified water it’s to cook or to brew.

Ok, you can actually drink purified water, but it’s a waste because you can drink just the regular water from the glass flask (without losing the glass flask).

When you cook/brew, for example brewing a beer or cooking a soup you don’t need as recipe’s ingredient the goblet for the beer or the soup bowl.

Well, it’s just a simplifyed way to cook and brew, in the process you’ve lost the glass flask crafting the purified water so… it’s balanced.

The only case wich makes little sense it’s just drinking from the full glass flask or drinking the purified water, so from here the joke of shattering the goblet :smile:

Obviously if you want to make things REALLY realistic glass flask as to be container (and used as ingredient) in brewing processes, and it has to be transformed into a flask able to contain (and be refilled) with each type of liquid…

but even if as RP it will be wonderful it will be also too much work to do (and what happens if I mixed the liquids ?) for this kind of mechanics.

That’s why I don’t think it needs to be changed.


The reason this recipe requires the Glass Flask is because it’s the only way we have of holding water.

Drinking from a Water-Filled Glass Flask is a waste because you only get 10 Thirst Quenched with it.

When you can as easily craft Purified Water and get five times that amount with 50 Thirst Quenched.

If you want to be technical about it, the Water-Filled Glass Flask stacks 20 at a weight of 0.2 each. That means 20 equals 4 pounds and your total thirst quenched is 200 points.

Versus the Purified Water, which stacks 50 at 0.1 each, which means the full stack is 5 lbs. But the thirst quenched is now 2,500.

Horribly inefficient to use the Glass Flask, in that case.


I see your point and do agree, but would it not be better to actually have a use for all these wooden bowls, iron pots, flagons, etc. that we disassemble for raw mats? I suppose it is “balanced” but it is a shame to see all these other items wasted and putting unnecessary weight on the importance of crystal.

^^^ probably gonna get the check mark

I use all the glass and glass flasks I have and still have to transform mass quantities of crystal into glass. Cheese spam heals cost crystal

And where do you store the now puriefied water - in said glass flask of course.

In all honesty, i couldn’t be less concerned about Purified water cooking or any receipe not “giving back” flasks. It’s not like they are super easy to make in industrial quantities.

It will be great if each liquid container item works in the way glass flask do.

There is one problem in this idea:

  • you can have each containers work same way regardless liquid = this means you have to handle mixed flask, but this could be achieved with an “horrible filled glass flask” result. I don’t know if the filled flask is a separate item for the game, if so it will be a huge problem because we’ll have N containers x Y liquids new items in the game !

  • or you can have to specialize each liquid container for just one type of liquid. But this will ruin the immersivity we want to have (why I can use glass flask for water but not for purified water for example ?).

In any case too much work and problems for a little thing like this one :wink:

That’s y it’s in suggestions and not bug report

Let me illustrate the formula in a few examples.

Purified Water:
1 water-filled flask + 1 iron mug (what is pictured on icon) → 1 purified water + 1 glass flask

1 purified water + 1 feral flesh + 1 salt + 1 wooden bowl (as shown) → 1 soup + 1 iron mug

Herbal Tea:
1 purified water + 1 aloe + 5 plant fiber + 1 iron tankard → 1 herbal tea + 1 iron mug

Spiced Tea:
1 herbal tea + 2 spice → 1 spiced tea [In this example there is no need for container consideration since u just add spice]

Let’s use a quite complex one to fully illustrate the concept.

2 reptile hide + 1 soup + 1 spiced tea → 1 feast of set + 1 iron tankard

This process does not unnecessarily consume 2 glass flasks in the process. Also, as stated earlier, it provides uses for items already ingame. Using this method, you merely alter the formula already in place and no new container considerations should be needed.

I TOTALLY agree that this is a VERY VERY minor little non-sense nit picky item. ESPECIALLY considering all the bugs, glitches, duping, and general cheating that occurs. It’s just a suggestion guys, if your not concerned about it then just move on and keep beating the devs up over the same stuff.

ADDED: If they wanted to, they could even carry this one step further. When the consumable part of food or beverage is used, any non-consumable containers are collected in your inventory automatically. This would mean added encumbrance concerns during encounters as well as could potentially be a small obstacle to spam heals.


Damn that would be good if we could see our characted Drink up an iron cup and throw it away (sure it’s costly but also badass)

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