Purple "unbaked" haze/glow

Summary: there is a purple glow on various elements, which we have been previously told is indicative of elements that are unfinished. Single Player or Multiplayer.

I have changed many video settings, and have ensured it’s not just rendering on video. The still-shot shows the tiniest portion of purple bloom when my character does the shield thrust. The video fully demonstrates it, in the dark.

We have previously been told that this effect, when present in move sets, as well as in terrain rendering, is indicative of “unbaked” items, or items missing textures.

To duplicate, equip sword and shield, press Left Mouse, then Right Mouse for the sword strike + shield jab combo.


IMPORTANTLY, I have seen this effect while loading my character in, it will happen across building textures and terrain features.

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That simply looks like the status effect weapontrail of shieldbreak that’s in the current game too on 2.8

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It is not just the weapons, there is quite a bit of purple on TestLive. I am pretty sure that this is just a thing on TestLive but it has been reported ether way and can be looked into.


Yup, one of the render buffers seems like it’s out of sink and it shows as purple. It’s most common when a placed asset renders initially - like for example you turn the camera 180 to reveal a wolf that wasn’t there or behind a tree previously - or open a gate to reveal some user placed items, animals, or etc… For about one frame it’s mostly purple and by frame two it’s mostly covered by the proper texels. By the third frame it’s rendering normally and the overall result is that we see a flash (almost outline) of 255,0,255 (R,G,B) momentarily. I see it a lot myself - maybe once every 15 or 20 minutes of play. It’s a new phenomena in 3.0TL.

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I’m getting exactly the same phenomena you describe. Glad others are experiencing it too, as I thought it was my GPU dying or something.

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FC left the ground terrain thin. FC could have made the ground much thicker to avoid the common unintentional undermesh shot. The purple glow is everywhere as the sun sets/rises. Again, avoided with a thicker layer for the ground.

So it seems there are two issues: LOD and ground too thin.

Not that I don’t like purple. Heck it’s my favorite color!

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