Bright Pink shading of placeables, followers, some terrain features

Playing on my own G-Portal PC testlive server no mods, often when entering a new area or turning around suddenly etc, some placeables or building pieces in NPC camps or the NPCs themselves, followers, enemies, campfires, trees… are randomly bright pink for a split second before resolving back to normal colours. Have not noticed this outside of testlive, at least not recently. I do see reports of it from a few years ago.


Magenta. It’s like CG green screen. More then likely a texture with transparency. No you shouldn’t see it. Sounds like a render issue, and I’m sure a lot of people have seen it, I certainly have.


Yep, just making sure Funcom are aware as I had not seen anyone bring it up.

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They’re aware:

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Hey Codemage, that’s not the issue I’m describing. It’s not just a purple haze or glow, it’s a 100% pink item (or magenta if you like, tom-ay-to, tom-ar-to). The whole asset, whether a campfire, a tree or a follower or NPC, is solid pink for a second or two before it renders the correct colours. The image and video on that post are possibly related but not the same thing. Although there are some people on that thread describing the same issue I am, it appears to be two separate issues. The ones describing spinning around 180 degrees etc and seeing some assets bright pink/purple/magenta are describing the same thing I am though.

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As the originator of that thread this is indeed what I was talking about. My point was that it shows this testlive is somewhat unbaked in its current state. We definitely don’t want pink/purple flares or hot pink textures occasionally when I move my camera abruptly or log in. So the more it’s reported, the better I say.


Hey Barnes :slight_smile: I sit corrected then. Jolly good and agree re the reports - the more the better. I guess at least this way people who describe it as a “purple haze” (nod to the late great Jimi Hendrix) and the people who describe it as a “solid pink” (which is nowhere near as cool as purple haze) will each have posts they can identify with and engage with both :smiley:


cough …after todays patch… ^^



Y’see, @KamikazeHamster it’s purple on one side, hot pink on the other! Now we can both be satisfied. :+1:t4:


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