You unnecessarily increased the amount of foliage in low settings. This obviously affect low end PC and fps in game. Now things glow pink sometime when walking and entering the server. Is there a way to change it back ? or use a UE command to deal with it ?
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That’s not a bug. It’s a feature. After all, the very first thing that should come to your mind when you think of rampaging, savage barbarians is neon pink.
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I believe everyone has it to a degree. seems to be transparencies and animations/fires that you see it most.
Happens a lot on my decorative hops planters. I think it’s festive!
WHat do you think guys are the going to fix or change this ?
Greetings players!
Thank you for reporting this issue regarding the low graphics.
Our team is already investigating it as we speak!
Keep an eye on our forum for further details and announcements.
Thank you for reaching out to us dear players!
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