This includes all light emitters such as torches, but also some particle effects such as the puke of the big leech spawning elder thing. It also effects the lightning which spawns enemies. The server I’m playing in does use 3 mods, but I’m the only one experiencing this.
Mods being used:
Aquillonian Passion Body
Player Nameplates Off
All settings on ultra
Intel 7700k @4.20GHz
I have the tonemapper and lensflare turned off in the .ini and I will test with those reenabled later to see if that might be the cause.
I will post a video later when I have the chance to record one.
EDIT: Video. Skip to 5:30 if the trimming hasn’t processed yet.
What do you have shadows set to? This video config option does not behave at all as expected and has interesting effects on lighting and color. The game seems to have been optimized for high or ultra shadows (which requires a high-end video card) with low and medium resulting in… interesting visuals.
Tested low, medium, high, and ultra settings for all settings and it made no difference. Tested with all scaleability settings turned to default and it made no difference. Tested with no mods and it made no difference.
I actually did try that too. I suspect it is indeed HDR causing it since that is the only directly video related thing that is different between my setup and others in the server