Lighting bug - lightly modded

Game mode: Online private
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE
Region: NA
Mods?: Yes
Edition: Steam

Bug Description:

Lighting flashing with post processing on.

Installed Mods:

If you answered ‘Yes’ to using mods, please list all your active mods. Otherwise, skip or delete this section.

pippi - User & Server Management - v3.8.10
Hosav’s Custom UI Mod - 2.3.7
Improved Quality of Life 3.4.6
Barbarian Barber [vers. 3.6.1]
The Age of Calamitous
Beyond Stations
Beyond Decor
Emberlight 3.3.1
Savage Steel
Savage Steel vol II
Fashionist v4.2.3
Immersive Armor (vers. 6.5.5)
ExilesExtreme - v1.5.36
Accessory Wardrobe 4.1.3b
High Heels System 3.2.4
WonderBody Armors&Clothing (WIP)

this is a list form a couple days ago, but still same mods except AoC is updated and I use Aquilonian females now instead of wonder body.

Steps to Reproduce:

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

Walking / camera movement

Video below, let me know if you can help!

Every lighting piece in your video is modded…

Talk to the mod creators.

Yeah, I get that, but its two different mods. The chances of them having the same issue are pretty low.

You set up the lighting for each placeable, in the mod.

< ---------- Mod creator.

Do the same with a vanilla torch placeable, then you can claim its a bug in the game. Until then, mod problem.

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Good point, but it’s weird that they were working no problem and then all of a sudden they start doing this. I think it has something to do with the amount of a certain type of lighting because if I take enough away it stops.

I mean, ya. UE4 engine lighting, it would take me too long to explain everything in detail (and even then, I don’t know everything). If you have a ton of the same type of lighting in a scene in UE4, things can bork. Its one of the first things you learn when watching various UE4 tutorials involving lighting. (And I already forgot what that is. I want to say its one of the dynamic options, you usually want to set your lighting to static for performance reasons).

But every single placeable featured in your video, the lighting was set up directly on the placeable by the mod creator. They set the type, whether it was dynamic or not, luminosity, temperature, etc. And its impossible to know what that is, without looking at their blueprints.

You also have a TON of lighting in your scene (all the scones on the walls). All those lighting spheres are likely overlapping each other. Could that be related? Maybe. But if it really was a “bug in the game” (and I have my doubts), you’re talking engine level at that point. Newer versions of UE4 have better lighting/more flexibility, but its still the same basic concepts of too many lights of the same type in a scene. Its not until UE5 where you get a completely different lighting system (Lumen), but don’t ask me if Lumen fixes those problems cause I’m still learning about that :stuck_out_tongue: (And no, Conan isn’t going to be upgraded to UE5).

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Thanks for the help, and the knowledge.

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