Game mode: [PVE-Conflict Official 1940] Type of issue: [Items missing after log in] Server type: [PVE - Conflict] Region: [unsure]
Logged out last night in my house, log in today after your server screw up and I have died a few times and lost all my stuff. I am unsure how I kept dying to thrist while I was offline I would like to have my character rolled back and my stuff returned as this is a bug issue and not a pvp issue.]
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
Well we will see, if I do not hear anything I will drive an hour to their NA HQ. This is an amazing game and I want to see first hand why they seem intent of not making it great. Maybe I can get a tour.
While we enjoy and appreciate getting visits from fans, you might need to add a few hours to that road trip. Development in Conan Exiles is handled at the Oslo office, in Norway. The North Carolina office is working on SWL, AOC and AO.
I understand completely that it’s frustrating to lose your stuff, and I’m sorry you lost so much. Unfortunately we don’t have a policy of returning lost items to players.
Hey, I would love to see how a game company is run. I have always wondered. BTW I have already replaced all my stuff with some slick trading and heavy sweet talking so we all good here.