Game mode: Online official
Type of issue: Bug | Performance
Server type: PvE-Conflict
Region: EU
What is happening with this game today? Problems with servers is nothing new, always was and probably always will be - crashes, sudden maintenances are almost everyday matters, but today - WTF? I logout near 23:00 (09.04.20) and it was OK, login after a few hours, around 3:00 (10.04.20 - login proces takes like 10 minutes) and the game is a mess… Buildings and NPC are not loading, I am flying in the air, items and whole inventory gone - there were stuff I was collecting and crafting for a few hours (I’m in the middle of the base re-building process), my tools, weapon, shield and whole set i was wearing are gone. If I put something in inventory, I can’t put it out, it becomes invisible, for example: my pick I took from the chest - place it on slot 1 - it’s in my hand, but when I click 1 again, it stays in my hand and dissapears from a quick selection bar - can’t do anyting to remove it. Same as all other items - put something in inventory, colse inventory, reopened it - all gone. It is a good game, but is so iritating and annoying to play coz of lags, bugs and things like that. Community on servers is getting more more negative - just read the chat, my friends are leaving Conan and play other games coz of this (we start in 5, only 2 of us lef guys just give up). I am close to that too. I have to mention that I spent 1000 hours in Conan, have almost all DLC - I am not new, complaining kid. I’ve seen many things and issues, but what is happening lately is just ridiculous.
Server: Official 1040 PvE-C.
Coords: TeleportPlayer -26767.0 -45270.960938 -2919.730225
Player name: Nebulizator