Its all official servers it seems. Not sure about single player but most issues ive had are online on official. So many problems after 3.0 and updates…I’ve been playing since beta, have every dlc, completed battle pass, and have completed all journey steps but 2 at this point however just trying to do anything anymore is becoming more of a headache then its worth with all the various issues that have been reported numerous times. As much as i enjoy conan i think it’s time to take a break and play something else. Maybe one day we will get a stable running game and i’ll play again but see no point in spending more money on a game that doesnt even let me play. Until then safe journeys to those that remain in the exiled lands.
Server 2880 crashes every single night during conflict time for at least an hour. I report it every time but it hasnt been fixed. Population is shrinking drastically now. I got back in to just 5 people last night and there were 20+ a month ago.
Same problem, random crashes. I removed all trophies,my drawbridge and all the extras of the artisan table.
100% better. I can actually play for more than 20 minutes, until I go around some ones over sized display. Then crash.
The problem is in the settings. So we can keep our characters funcom is going to have to make some deterioration happen.
The pvp server I play on never just crashes.
Try removing everything not tied down and fingers crossed funcom makes some changes.
To report issues with performance and connectivity, please follow the stated in the Official servers guidelines to submit a ticket. Make sure to select “Official server performance” as the issue type:
You can read the full version of the Guidelines here: