公式PvP 1331 バグを利用する中国人について

Game mode: [Enter game mode here: Online official PvP1331
Type of issue: [Enter one of the following: Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Server type: [Enter one of the following: PvP |
Region: [Please enter your server region]

[Describe the bug here]

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:


Using Google translate: https://translate.google.com/

1. Since it is unknown how it is done, Chinese players suddenly appear at the top floor of the base and destroy the base.

2. When fighting with the same Chinese player, when the opponent escapes While holding the shield and the hammer while shaking the hammer and holding the shield several times while running with the shield and the hammer running, the attitude of the middle waisted becomes the middle, and the stamina is infinitely It keeps running at high speed and runs away.

3. It is a personal habit to do that kind of behavior on getaway when listening to him on server chat by himself and making a rather painful excuse if not using bugs.

4. Is not this an illegal use of bug?

Poster if you want a clear dialog consider using ENG please.

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Unclefat - a chinese streamer who exploits regularly since years even in other games - does the same: shield and repairhammer to escape fights,so there maybe something to it. Seen it yesterday on his livestream, where he also undermeshed… and gave a tutorial on how to do it. Link to his streams is somewhere else in the bugreport section, in one of the all unanswered undermeshing threads.


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