Im making this post out of pure desperation seeing how not only my friends but also my hated ones (Fellow pvpers) leave the game.
Infinite Stamina : You can run forever or spam dodge to the point where you cant be killed if you dont want to.
Attributes : 20 Agility and 20 Vitality ITS A MUST
regardless of the build.
Weapon Stamina usage : You no longer combo, its not only not possible due to the high amount of Stamina that it takes but also because someone spamming rolls will anhilate you.
Weapons : Spear is gone, Katana is able to oneshoot as the crit is back and YOU CAN ROTATE WHILE CHARGING YOUR DASH (?), Bow hits like a bazooka and the new camera changes makes me want to pull bracelet irl
Please…I am aware that the devs are disconnected from their own game, and theyre basically prolonging their work since it takes months to do something that I can do in 10 minutes, and I am no programmer…But …I still have hope that one day they might discover that this game has a forum and maybe just maybe they realise that they can fix the game.
It seems infinite roll won’t be possible in the future. I was told you’ll have stamina drain through rolling with a 2.5 penalty cooldown. That solves it.
About spears, change weapon. Adapt. I’m glad to see the less skill based weapon in the game put in its rightful place.
And don’t despair mate! It’s a game, man! Hang in there!
Turning during attack is by far the worst change to come to combat. How does it make sense that my character can swing a hammer over his head with full momentum and somehow spin 180 degrees and land a blow with full force in the opposite direction? New stamina system sucks, new hyper-armour sucks, combos are gone, combat now is almost entirely sprint attacks with hammer or great axe… there is no flavour to combat anymore. Just sprint, swing big weapon in wide arch, repeat.
But for real, this could actually be a sorcery thing, the more corruption you have, the better you can turn during attacks. Might make sorcery builds viable.
The non corrupted combat will be the combat that we know from before Age of War.
Infinite roll wont be possible, but you will still be able to run forever so the problem is still there, why dont just revert the Stamina system so managing your Stamina and wearing different kind of armor weight matters?
There was no need to destroy Spear to the point where its only useful if you need to dismantle it for some Star metal Ingots, theres nothing fun when you can only use Bow, 2h Hammer or Katana, especially since if you’re using anything else you’re screwed.
“OH, But you can use all weapons since they all have their counterparts”.
No, thats not true, as if you dare to use something else than this three weapons you will get destroyed by someone who is three times worse than you just because the combat system, especially agaisnt bow.
Yes, I know this is a game but Ive spent thousand of hours and its sad to see that everyody its leaving because its not as good as it used to be.
1° There are many ways to fix this, the easiest one is the closer you get to someones back the faster you get towards them, so unless the other guy fights back he will get hit, and Im talking about very small speed boost so it only works if youve been chasing someone for lets say 3 minutes.
2° I dont understand what that has to do with reverting the Stamina changes, Im just talking about reverting the Stamina blue print remated to Funcombat not just reverting the whole update.
3° Theyre not migrating to other servers, theyre migrating to other games and unistalling Conan.
I never said that.
But I’m tired of the meta being the two lowest skill weapons in the game.
Pit me with a katana against a more experienced player and I’m dead.
Change to spear and he is probably dead. Why? Because I will likely have faster reaction times and skill matters much less. I know this through experience.
It’s a good thing spears were nerfed to the ground. You just haven’t realized it yet.
There are aspects of combat that still need work and some changes were terrible. But weapon calibration has nothing to do with it.
Jesus… now you want to nerf bows too? Soon we will all be fighting with sticks…
Listen buddy, a higher ttk only means you’ll take longer to kill, not that you’ll win more fights.
I kind of figured you would say that. Well, poke’n roll is done for and it will get even worse. You either adapt and overcome or you can keep dreaming about the good ol’days. They aren’t coming back.
What are they doing about actual official servers and cheaters, constantly having players hacking is infuriating and making the game unplayable never mind tweaking/adjusting weapons…
Players are wasting their time with hackers. It’s pretty trollish to call someone a troll. Some will think trolls and hackers are the same and report them as such. Enough.