PVP - Offline Players Unable to be killed - 3.0.1 Bug

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Eternal Sanctum: Exiled Lands [2XP/2HAR]
Mods: Pippi, ModcontrolPanel, Unlock Plus, Amunets, EternalZ - Official, Less Building Placement Restrictionss

Bug Description:

Player is unable to die when logged out. Upon inspecting further, players are not taking damage while logged out. They are susceptible to negative effects (bleed and poison) however will instantly heal upon inflicting a refresh. They are not prone to overall damage.

Bug Reproduction:

Had a player log out with 500 Health - Instantly healed up to 740 Health. Player was unable to take damage while logged out. Was not immune to poison or bleed but would instantly heal upon refreshing the negative effect or inflicting new damage.

Bump. This is a pretty bad glitch and is being buried in between a lot of other posts.
What stops anyone from gathering valuables in the base and logging out?

Greetings unfaithfulz!
Thank you for reporting your situation regarding the inability of offline players to be killed.

Given that you are playing in a modded server, its possible that this situation is linked to those very mods. In this case, in order to test this, I would suggest for you to delete the following file:
Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Mods\modlist.txt and manually unsubscribe from all your Conan modes. This will guarantee that mods are not loaded.

Once this is done, please let us know if the issue persists or not unfaithfulz!

Thank you for reaching out to us!

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