Logged out character in base was killed and looted + items in inventory lost to decay

Basic Info -

Platform: Xbox Series S
Issue Type: Log out bug/glitch
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE - C
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 2880

Bug Description:

When I logged back into the server today, my character was bare naked. I checked the event log and I was somehow killed 18 hours after I logged off in my base, which should be a safe location. Server log also showed that I was killed twice, the second time being when they took all my legendary items. It also showed that later that day all my other items decayed and were lost.

I’m not sure this is a feature of the game, is it possible to even be killed while logged off next to your bed spawn point and subsequently looted while items decay?

Yes, your toon can be killed while offline.

If you wake up with pink armor, that might have been me. :laughing:


I once killed a player who had logged off with their foot sticking out of their base’s wall (I stole all their stuff but put it all in one of their own unlocked chests outside their base - was just trying to show them to be careful). You can also throw gas orbs near walls - if player is close enough to wall the gas will kill them. Those are just two ways, I’m sure better PVPers will know many more. I’m crap at PVP :slight_smile:

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Welcome to conan. :wink:

lol, I used to do that too, if I found someone “sleeping”