Logged in to game as usual, found i had died by own self and lost all my armor, weapon & everything i was carrying. This is the 2nd time this has happened. Anybody know why this happens and if i can get my stuff back.
Playing Isle of Syptah map.
Logged in to game as usual, found i had died by own self and lost all my armor, weapon & everything i was carrying. This is the 2nd time this has happened. Anybody know why this happens and if i can get my stuff back.
Playing Isle of Syptah map.
You have 20 minutes left to find your body and take it into inventory.
I am aware of that, the problem is, there is no body to retrieve because i died while logged off and a day or two had already passed before i logged in.
This happened to my friend as well… we had both logged off then a couple days later logged in and both of us were found dead stripped of everything.
You were hiding… when you logged off?
We weren’t hiding, we were in our dwelling, logged off sleeping on our bedrolls.
The event log shows us logging off on 11/24 then server shut down on 11/26 at 5:10 then started on 11/26 at 5:17 then shows me and my friend killed one minute later. Then server shows our loot bags decayed and lost.
All the while us being logged off until today 11/27.
Tive o mesmo problema em Siptah nos logs diz q meu personagem morreu 3 vezes isso também próximo as 17H
Hello and welcome to the Conan Exile Forums.
I am sorry to learn of your mishap, unfortunately there is nothing to do regarding your inventory, this one is definitely lost.
When you log out, remove all your belongings and put them in a safe so that if the problem reoccurs you will no longer lose your inventory .
Unless an indelicate player intervenes, the death of your character is probably due to hunger: thirst or excessive cold/heat (the presence of a torch for example can increase the heat and kill your character)
Okay, so you went offline…or the storage box was not ready for…storage. That’s okay. I don’t logout on the bed itself. I heard a rug can reproduce it, the effect.
I noticed the extra minutes it took in the log. It normally only takes 5 mins for restart. We’ll let the in-house devs worry about it. Taking extra may be normal now.
I am thinking along the same lines as you. I just don’t understand how it could have happened while logged off. But i’ve learned my lesson… twice… will unload all before logging off from now on.
It just really bummed me out.
It’s just a game… it’s just a game… it’s just a game… lol
Thanks all for your replies and help.
Long live Conan!
I think I have seen this issue before. When we saw it - the player death was recorded TWICE in the event log. Which was strange.
And it was somewhere in the neighborhood of 28-30 seconds after the server restart.
I postulated that for whatever reason (“squishy” mesh terrain) the player’s body fell through the world.
Yesterday, I also experienced an unexpected death on the Siptah server. The only message in the event log was “died.” This occurred after a server restart and there were two messages in the event log.
OK, I am going to ask this question, because this exact thing happened about six years ago with a player. Are you quitting the game, or are you using the sleep emote and turning your system off? When I played single player, emote was fine because the game stopped. On a server, the game keeps going for a bit, and I have seen people die because they just turned their system off, and their character starved, or died of exposure, etc.
It happens a surprising number of times.
Can you please submit a ticket on Zendesk too if it’s not a problem.
I know i ask too much, especially when you loose unfairly and find out that there’s no replacement. Yet i believe that the server you play needs maintenance, so this would speed up situations…probably!
This sounds like what some of us are dealing with (see link below). @Community can we merge all of these cases to one issue?
I always log off the game after i do the sleep emote then turn off my system.
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