A quest system should be added to the game to extend the life and keep us playing. I will provide an example for how this quest system should work. So you talk to an NPC and they offer you a quest, that quest is to bring them say 5 rhino heads. Once you have collected the heads you return to the NPC to claim the reward. The reward is a random peice of armor or a random weapon. This armor or weapon can not be crafted or obtained any other way, it can only be obtained by completing these NPCs quests (each NPC will have their own loot pool). The gear can be repaired. This system would take a good amount of time to implement but I believe that it would keep more people playing, having them try to collect all the gear. But what do you think, what are your suggestions?
Do you play on pc? If yes there is already an awesome Questsystem implemented via the mod Pippi from Joshtech. Admins and players can implement every quest they want with this mod. Look at this example from Firespark81
And here an unofficial guide to the system
There are so much more guides and examples in the internet - Jostech started a huge firework around CE with this system and his mod
I would love to try it but, I play on Playstation 4 and we all know Sony doesn’t like mods (especially external mods). But thank you for your response.
Its no different than going to get Silent legion armour. I don’t think quests should be mandatory, only an option for those of us who are less creative on the PVE side of things