Raids and damage to buildings

I had many barrels, and they corrected what I destroyed. There must be a timer.

Yes, the spheres cause little damage, and this is repaired very quickly.

wah wah wah!!! So go play on those servers you cry baby.

On private servers, fools play. The administrator can be a friend of someone or just laugh at you, he can steal from you and make other troubles, private servers for the stupid.

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This. I really like the way that building damage is currently set up. Raids are about getting in and out with loot, and making an ‘efficient’ raid. You can’t make an ‘efficient’ raid against somebody who has really turtled up and fortified their base.

The current raid balance prevents players from wrecking other players’ bases for the hell of it. It takes a large investment to destroy another player’s creation. If that player is inactive, then it’s easy to wipe them off the map. But if they’re still playing, then you can’t easily remove them.

Instead of explosive jars, the raiders in @BTRR’s situation should have used a trebuchet for a prolonged raid. Can’t really complain about wasted resources, when all you’re doing is throwing stone and twine at them. Explosive jars are meant for instant / surprise damage, not for head-to-head raids.

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Your average medieval castle would take months or even years of siege to get into. If you think raiding should be 2 hours and done with all the loot, you are mistaken. Be prepared for some really tough nuts to crack. Raiding has always been too easy in this game.

Just an FYI

Making an avatar has gotten very expense compared to what it used to be. You lose the Alter, Arch Priest and the Manifestations of Zeal. Choose your attack wisely since the Arch Priest only show up less than 1% of the time from what I have heard.

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