Recent bugs crashes that have yet to change

Game mode: [Online |
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance
Region: US official 3519

Finding server is no longer a problem. It’s finally working as it should. So on to what isn’t that is relatively newish. Thralls, since the update that made them path differently, they will sometimes disappear for minutes before reappearing. Sometimes they will not appear st all unless you do some spot maneuvers so they will show up. It sucks when you are moving on locations with enemies and your thrall is awol. This happens just about anywhere. I first thought it was lag but everything else is moving just fine. This includes what’s attacking me. Please look into this. I don’t want to stack too much, so one more item. I’m still getting scroll window crashes. Usually in my bases (any of them) This is either in character item window or crafting stations. This has become a bit more important due to crowded servers.

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

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