Religion Rework

The Zealots of Mitra purge! 6 waves of angry hostile and murderous priests and zealots. Additionally, the ‘Sinner’s Refuge’ isn’t full of peaceful, passive saints.

As well as any of the Marvel era comics put any canon questions to rest.

As I said. A debate that will probably never be resolved. Words as written Derketa is her own God. People’s need to read between the lines when there is nothing there to read has ruined a great many things.

Sinner’s Refuge isn’t full of Mitrains. It’s full of sinners taking refuge. The one chosen of Asura are not Mitrains. Asura is a different God. They act as T3 priests because Funcom made it so. If anything Mitra is more like Asura in the Exiled lands then he is Mitra.

I’ve lived in that area before and never had that purge. Didn’t even know it existed. Are they wielding ankhs and wearing blue rags?

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Blue rags, yes. Obviously not wielding ankhs.
So the lore tracks with what others have been telling you, the Mitrian religion in the exiled lands, is a farce. If you feel the need to RP as a true believer that is awesome, more power to you, but I hardly think the religion needs a facelift for that. Just don’t kill anybody (might not be a very fun game though), instead, walk the lands handing out health potions or open a soup kitchen if you want. However, participating in the worship of a false Mitra would clearly be unappreciated my Mitra and therefore would be immersion breaking.

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Instead of a flat out stats bonus, why not make Crom give you a discount in the Crom Store - for something you do (attain glory…?), you get -5/10/15/20% off the item shop. Would fit in right there. :grin:

No it doesn’t. Okay so they have a purge I didn’t know about. Doesn’t detract from any of my other points I have made. Looking at the very limited area it happens in one could even say it’s only there to protect the “Foot Builders”. Which just reinforced the defensive nature.

Religion needs a facelift period. Not just because of Mitra but due to how lacking it is in gravity. Which Funcom has already said they wanted to do on several occasion. I’m just pitching ideas and pointing out issues.

This reminds me of a suggestion I made awhile back to allow altars in general to be an alternative method for generating converted thrall items. I think picking out Mitra and Derketo for potentially specializing in this capability makes sense, though I’d want to see the other gods have a chance to do it, too. Regardless, the entire concept seems to work nicely with some of 3.0’s goals: making the game less Thrall-centric, having summoned undead/etc as an alternative source of followers, and allowing the player to be more of a wizard-king-archetype.

Asking random people in chat, “Have you heard the good news?”

Well it makes sence

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