Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
I don’t know it happens continuosly, in some periods more than others… when it happens it’s painful every few mins
sometimes it freezes just before crash
i uninstalled the game. deleted manually all the folders. re-installed… it’s even worse
i upgraded the pc for this game, but i think i won’t play anymore, if don’t solve this
it happens also in official (1005 server)… but i didn’t checked the error code… i found in this server as i got the idea of screenshotting the error box and saved the image… instead of the image, i had a text of the error.
yes there are mods in teh server i am playing now… but it happens in certain period only. I restored Windows, i re.installed the game… then i even re-installed twice the grhaphic driver… it seemed work for a while… and it seems it happens only in certain places of the map… at least what i realized today