Reply to RitualGround, Re: Insidious cheating/hacking on ALL officials - please do not silence us!

isnt it weird we have dozens of players across servers reporting the same id and they still dont ban him after days?

i had it uploaded on youtube but i guess they dont aknowlege youtube as a valid video hosting website??? i sent in a 50 secound video to them and they never watched it and closed the ticket and did not ban the hacker. im starting to think one of the zendesk representatives is helping this hacker clan.


there is an upside to thisā€¦ as FC watch exiles dieā€¦ perhaps they can take steps to harden the security of dune awakening before its released / too late.

A considerable amount of work was lostā€¦ ā€¦ RIP all my lvl 20 thralls on 1520 who turned towns people and then got murderedā€¦ :woozy_face:

when you say it like thatā€¦ :sob:

Yes, it causes doubt. They are literally protecting the rights of a terrorist. and they silence the victims. Itā€™s only a matter of time before revelations begin on social media or global forums. people are angry and sad. Expecting them to sit and wait is too optimistic.


Can you tell us what has been done so far to deal with this problem?

What i wished could be done was just to hire one single guy.

I even do it for free, and sign whatever contract there is needed to be signed.

Legit its so EASY to ban these cheaters, if you just monitor these populated servers for under 10 minutes, as and admin you can teleport to him and watch what he is doing, just imagine ONE single guy did this once a week or something.

On PVP server 1111 the same hackers have been there for over 1 month, they take som breaks and come back and loot all in 2 hours, and i mean WHOLE server gets looted.


There are old/few exploits that can get that far.

Itā€™s more of not being able to be barbaric. Settings matter.

What gets me about this is itā€™s a paid for hack, so more then one person is going to have it. As people see what it can do they will be looking for it so this is only going to get worse as more people buy the hack.

Paid for hacks make no sense to me, how weak are you to have to buy a $70 hack to win a $20 game?

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I quit Conan for a while and poured all my game time in to pubG. Got ok at it. Right after an update I was a top ten per map player. With in a few days I was lucky to get through the first few minutes. So I found the best times of day to play and limited play till the next update. Then it went F2P and they gave up on the updates to break hacks. With in a few weeks if you wanted to compete you at least had to use an enemy radar hack. I wont.

Luckily; or not, I got the notice of the upcoming Conan age of sorcery.

Now Iā€™m getting this deja vu feeling.

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Thats the cheap esp/speedhack pricing. I know the big and bad latest clients are like $900 a month.

Thereā€™s an issue with ā€˜the hackerā€™ (why we are giving him the Valdemort treatment is beyond me) and the level of hacks heā€™s using. Correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but my understanding is that the black market is self policing. Meaning- no hack distributor is going to rent a high level package to some loose cannon thatā€™s going to ruin their business model. If someone like him did go rogue, I think the distributor would cancel his access. To my logic, this makes it highly unlikely that he is a black market consumer.

you are so right :slight_smile:
We are the community of a company that put us in this situation and defends the rights of hackers more than it defends us.
I hate that person. Its existence is only harmful to the world. I wish he had produced something useful instead of doing what he did.
I check the forum once or twice every hour to see if there is any explanation. and it makes me very nervous. Iā€™m afraid of being next.
And we are the only ones writing things, zero official statement. They make very good games, but their public relations are 1/10

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You want action? Get your videos and all of this to popular streamers and other social media platforms to expose it. From my experience as long as you let these corporations sweep it under the rug ā€¦ they willā€¦. BUT You expose their incompetence to the world , you tend to at least get some sort of action .


This whole situation is pure gold - guy hacked OFFICIAL servers (or guessed admin password :stuck_out_tongue: ), players lost their stuff, have their hands tied, developer donā€™t give a single f, apart from intimidating victims (from posting vids etc.). Sure, that hacker will get offended if others learn his FC ID or nickname, since it isnā€™t by any chance his alt account. Plus what message it will send to new (possible) players, considering buying this game - ban those videos, send another ticket instead (which will be autoclosed by bot), while devs will be focusing on new potential customers, since actual/current players arenā€™t that important, so why the heck take care of them. One may be thinking, that you cannot fall any lower (after all those bugs, problems, bazaar prices, messed patches and updates), but then comes FC knocking from under the bottom.


Can you folks who work here let us know what, if anything, youā€™re doing about this other than closing and hiding threads?

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What a joke.

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Just be online 24/7 (no big deal right?) and scan whole map for logged in hackers. Record a vid or two and send them to zendesk with FC ID of those culpritsā€¦butā€¦ohā€¦wait - so now it is allowed to record vid with FC ID? Iā€™m confusedā€¦


that reminds me of my ticket about undermesh base - zendesk wanted me to provide screenshots/videos of that base - so in order to denounce a cheater I needed to cheat myself (get undermesh)

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What they do is to save time. They are making us sleep. They donā€™t make any promises. They donā€™t take any responsibility.

They will not announce when the vulnerabilities in the game are fixed. Itā€™s a complete cover-up. It is not clear how long it will last.

I donā€™t feel safe anymore. ā€œpveā€ not safe. Because of this scandal, 90% of players in official pve and pve-c may quit the game and find other games.

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What if it happens again five months later? And what if he destroys and destroys everything again and the brand remains silent again?

Are we going to watch them act like it never happened before? Or are we going to act like this is the first time something like this has happened? By the way, try the official server password: 123456, maybe thatā€™s really it :smiley: :slight_smile: Iā€™m going crazy.

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