Report Something And Wrong Person Gets Banned


The first major problem that had my attention was the fact that a group of players were blocking off parts of the map on a PS4 PvE server 3732. There were walls around high traffic obelisks, around the warmakers dungeon, and one was started around asagarth. I eventually found out this group was worse than I thought as I learned they also sexually harassed some people minding their own business. Anyways, the harassed reported them, I reported them, about every other gamer on the server reported them and it took them more than 4 weeks to finally send me an email claiming they finally “handled” the problem. “Handled” as in past tense, as in they claim they already fixed the problem, but the walls are still there, even so, I don’t know everything. I like to think maybe all they did, and felt like doing, was ban the group responsible, we’ll see in about 2 weeks, give or take, if the walls fall, if the decay timers never get reset. Now lastly, and this is what really got me mad, I found out that not only did they hopefully ban “Carpe Noctem”, they UNFORTUNATELY banned one of the most helpful players on the server. He NEVER blocked anything off, he NEVER harassed anyone, and on day one for me and my girlfriend he had immediately helped us get started on the server. What. Is. Wrong with you Funcom? I even specifically said the names of the players at fault, I specifically said that one of HIS bases was blocked off by the players at fault, Carpe Noctem. Even so, you ban him. What incredibly and unnecessarily specific rule did he somehow manage to violate?


I find myself in a similar situation right now on pc 1036. The worst thing is i got 2 bans within 10 days, half of my buildings erased and not a single answer to my appeal tickets at all


FC doesnt share any information about bans, reasons, durations, players/clans…imo it is incase mistakes happen, bans can take up to 2 additional days to be applied or lifted. If you are given a 5 day ban, it could take up to 2 additional days, taking you to a total of 168 hours locked out of the official servers. You would lose everything in that scenario, i have personally seen this happen. On the 8th day after ban was applied, 24 hours after the clan lost everything, that is when FC replied…days too late…

Same here on 1036, the griefers won again.

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Ich spiele seit Jahren auf 1202 und farme, baue besuche dungeons und helfe jedem neuen Spieler auf unserem Server.
NatĂĽrlich habe ich auch Charactere auf anderen Servern, aber die sind komplett inaktiv.

Ich weiĂź das ich immer die regeln einhalte und Funcom hat mich gesperrt !!!

Was ist los mit euch ?

Mich auch und meine Basen wurden gelöscht auf 1036

@TheSmugLion , The question is simple, do you want to save your friends builds?

Same for me. I got banned because I was still registered in a clan that started cheating after my playtime on that server. I did not undermesh. I did not use glitches or hacks. The only thing that I used is animation canceling and this is what basically everyone does in Conan.

I even helped Funcom in the past to fix glitches in the game that could be abused in PvP for your advantage.

This was the thanks from Funcom. I am disappointed.

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My dear @SirDaveWolf the reasons I respect you so much just multiplied now. It is very important that you tried to understand what was your mistake and didn’t run to hate messages. Your level is high and I salute your greatness.
I happen to visit this server as a guest because of some reports on the bug section. So, for sure one person blocked obelisks and the warmaker dungeon but…
The elder players of this server had done massive builds that pvp builds seamed small in front of them. They fixed enormous unnecessary bridges and ofcurce with gate frames, without the gates. But if, just if they put a gate they would become blockers too :man_shrugging:. In a bridge in the volcano I got attacked by 5 rock nose kings, 5 m8 omg. I played at the time this server had to restart and it took 25 minutes for the server to restart, so, you can understand the damage even the " good" players did to this server :wink:. The most unacceptable on this server was the fact that people had closed doors, like in pvec servers, no water wells, no dancers at the obelisks, no fire places no nothing. Everyone is playing for him self, building for him self and we speak for pve server, so the rest I leave to your judgment :wink:.

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