Request for future map DLC - CAVES

The first playing area of the game has a few really nice caves, dotted through the map that you can build in, explore, and have lots of room. But Siptah only has a few really small caves that are closer to crevasses and less like caves. It’s been a while since a new map was released, and I’m dearly hoping another one comes out. If you guys are working on a new map, PLEASE make sure it has plenty of deep caves for exploration/moving in to!

I really do think that caves are the biggest feature that are overlooked by developers. I did a search for Siptah caves after I explored for a while and couldn’t find any decent ones, only to find that lots of people were let down by the lack of good, roomy caves to build in on Siptah.

why caves?
i imagine this like everyone will live in caves and then those who are trying to settle on ground will be like ““why land is claimed”” sure bonus is that maybe less nature is harmed

But my advice is to make dlc with working boats and islands, so every player can get his island and wont be bothered by others… :smiley:

There is a few cool caves on siptah that are longer then even exiles, as far as build area. The caves are not like exiles. Most are short, but very well hidden. But a few long ones are perfect for making cave bases. Look in the south west of the map.

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