I had start a new game after a long tiime without playing. I have just the base game. And ok, I know all those things with the red triangle on the corner are not for me. But then I made the saddler workbecnh and then I saw I could have a rhino heavy saddler at level 60. So I was impatient for become 60. Then I saw I cant make rhino saddlers. And then I saw they have the red triangle and I have not seen that before because I dont read descriptions of DLC items because I have not any one. But they are showed in the workbench without any DLC triangle. Thats not right. I feel fooled. Then I looking for the DLC and I found it is not a regular DLC but the Isle expansion, the more expensive one.
Sorry, but I think it is not a honest way to treat players with in-game expansions baits. Its ok if they have a section in main menu but not into the game. Is not ok neither my game show Isle Expansion name when I have not the expansion because it made me feel I have not the complete game (but it was when I paid for it). Please treat your players well. Be honest.
If you are not interested in playing Siptah riding a rihino is not worth the purchase. Rhinos were able to have as pets all along.
I stopped playing a bit myself and only just got back and I’m curious if they ever implemented a way to hide the DLCs if not then they probably should.
Nope, they haven’t. And I guess they shouldn’t. I mean it’s either in your face like that or it’s in-game ads. I’ll take the feats list and uncraftable items over in-game ads any day!
WHAAAT??? I protest! My Rhino protests as well!
You mean like this? You click here…
…and you select “None” and all the DLCs are gone from your crafting recipes:
Interesting I’m gonna look at this when I get home from work thanks
I could not disagree with you more. Funcom has always operated with the idea that we congenial players will and would always, happily share with you on an Official or Private server. It’s one of the niceties of the DLC is that anyone can possess and use the items, even if they don’t own the DLC.
In this way, the developers sort of “invite” you into the greater Community where irrespective of PvP or PvE, we will gladly share with you.
Please join a server to enjoy these items, free of charge. You might even make new friends.
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